Co-Designing Relational Technologies with People with Dementia and Informal Caregivers

Researchers in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) are increasingly exploring the role of technology in dementia care. With the rising number of people with dementia and limited treatment options, nonpharmacological solutions are gaining attention. HCI research advocates for inclusive design by involving people with dementia in the process, shifting from a solution-centered to a human-centered approach. This aims to unlock their capabilities and create technologies that enhance autonomy, social interaction, and support for personhood. While existing dementia support technologies primarily focus on safety and memory assistance, there is a need for more research on technologies that support the psychosocial well-being of individuals with dementia. Relational Technologies, which foster social and emotional relationships between people with dementia and their caregivers, are gaining prominence. As the global population ages, it is crucial to develop technology that goes beyond mitigating cognitive impairment and empowers individuals with dementia. Socio-technical designs that facilitate meaningful relationships can enrich the lives of people with dementia and their caregivers, allowing them to stay in their homes and communities longer.

This research seeks to investigate how to co-design a relational technology that can support and foster social and emotional relationships between people with mild dementia and their familial carers.

Chief Investigators

Two older adults looking at mobile phone