
Our lab is part of the Faculty of Science at QUT. It brings together academic staff, postdoctoral research fellows and research students in the areas of human-computer interaction, co-design, inclusive technology, virtual and augmented reality, digital games and interaction design.

We collaborate closely with researchers in the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child and in the Centre for Data Science. We all work closely with community groups and partner organisations to better understand the intersection between digital technologies and wellbeing.


Research Students

External Collaborators

  • Professor Tuck Wah Leong

    RMIT | Areas of interest: values-led participatory design, self-care

  • Dr Tara Capel

    University of Edinburgh, UK | Areas of interest: self-care with digital technologies, women's participation in makerspaces

  • Dr Aloha May Ambe

    University of Queensland | Areas of interest: co-design with older adults to support their agency and aspirations, human-centred machine learning with health professionals

  • Dr Filip Bircanin

    King's College, UK | Areas of interest: inclusive technology, including adults with severe intellectual disabilities in co-design

  • Dr Sirin Roomkham

    University of the Sunshine Coast | Areas of interest: the use of consumer-grade technologies (digital devices such as wearables and smartphones) for health and wellbeing