Assoc Prof Jared Donovan

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Information And Computing Sciences
Built Environment And Design

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Areas of interest: Design Robotics, HRI, Participatory Design, Tangible and Embodied Interaction

PhD (University of Queensland)

Jared Donovan is an Associate Professor in Interaction Design in the QUT Design Lab, Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice, at the, Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane Australia. The main aim of his research is to find better ways for people to be able to interact with new interactive technologies in their work. His current research focusses on the Design of Robotics to improve manufacturing. Jared serves as a Design Lead in the Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing hub (ARM hub).

Jared has an educational background in Visual Art (Illustration) and Information Technology. He graduated from Griffith University, Queensland College of Art with a Bachelor of Visual Arts in Illustration in 1996. He then completed a Bachelor of Information Technology and a PhD in Interaction Design, at The University of Queensland. From 2007-2011 Jared worked as a research fellow at the University of Southern Denmark, including for three years at the SPRIE Centre for Participatory Innovation, where he contributed user-centred design approaches to an inter-disciplinary research institute combining innovation management, interaction analysis, design anthropology, participatory design and theatre. During this time, Jared co-led an international PhD short course on Design Anthropology and also co-edited the book Design and Anthropology.

Jared worked at QUT in the School of Design since 2011, where he teaches in the Interaction Design discipline and is co-lead of the Design Robotics and Digital Fabrication research program at the QUT Design Lab. Jared has been involved as co-director in the production of a number of creative performances combining robotics, dance, music and interactive and visual design for the Robotronica and CreateX events in 2015-17. Jared has taught into numerous undergraduate and graduate level courses including Interaction Design, Introduction to Web Design, Creative Coding, User Experience Design, Critical Design, Embodied Interactions, Theories of Human Computer Interaction, and Tangible Media. He was the academic lead of the QUT Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy 2013-2016. Career History

  • 2021: Associate Professor in Interaction Design, School of Design, Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice, Queensland University of Technology
  • 2017 – 2021: Senior Lecturer in Interaction Design, School of Design, Creative Industries Faculty, Queensland University of Technology
  • 2012 – 2016: Lecturer in Interaction Design, School of Design, Creative Industries Faculty, Queensland University of Technology
  • 2011: Research Fellow, School of Design / Institute for Future Environments, Queensland University of Technology
  • 2008-2011: Research Fellow, SPIRE Participatory Innovation Research Centre, University of Southern Denmark, DK
  • 2007: Research Assistant, Mads Clausen Institute, University of Southern Denmark, DK
  • 2003-2007: Full-time postgraduate PhD candidate, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland
  • 2002: Research assistant, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland

Significant Professional Achievements

Publications Please see Jared’s Google Scholar page for a list of publications and citations:

Projects (Chief investigator)


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