Community, Culture, Commerce: The Intermediary in Design and Creative Industries

McQueenie, John Michael, Foth, Marcus, & Hearn, Greg (2024) Community, Culture, Commerce: The Intermediary in Design and Creative Industries. Pivot. Palgrave Macmillan.
Designing More-than-Human Smart Cities: Beyond Sustainability, Towards Cohabitation

Heitlinger, Sarah (ed.), Foth, Marcus (ed.), Clarke, Rachel (ed.) (2024) Designing More-than-Human Smart Cities: Beyond Sustainability, Towards Cohabitation. Oxford Academic.
Contemporary Design Education in Australia: Creating Transdisciplinary Futures

Scharoun, Lisa, Meth, Deanna, Crowther, Philip, Brough, Dean, Osborne Burton, Lindy & Fialho Leandro Alves Teixeira, Muge (eds) (2023) Contemporary Design Education in Australia: Creating Transdisciplinary Futures. Intellect Books.
The Art of Co-Design: A Guide Through Creative Collaboration

Kerr, Jeremy, Cheers, Jessica, Gallegos, Danielle, Blackler, Althea, Kelly, Nick (2023) The Art of Co-Design: A Guide Through Creative Collaboration. BIS Publishers.
The precarious link between IoT and blockchain in food supply chains

Powell, Warwick, Foth, Marcus, Cao, Shoufeng, Natanelov, Valeri (2022) Garbage in garbage out: The precarious link between IoT and blockchain in food supply chains. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 25, pp.Article number: 100261.
5 citations on Scopus
The Caregiving Journey: Arts-Based Methods as Tools for Participatory Co-Design of Health Technologies
Miller, Evonne, Zelenko, Oksana (2022) The Caregiving Journey: Arts-Based Methods as Tools for Participatory Co-Design of Health Technologies. Social Sciences, 11 (9), pp.Article number: 396.
citations on Scopus
Intergenerational living and learning: The value and risks of co-locating retirement villages on secondary school campuses – Evaluating the GrandSchools vision

Trotter, Mark, Sanders, Paul, Lindquist, Marissa, Miller, Evonne, Hajirasouli, Aso, Blake, Andrea, Harrington, Rosamund, Olsen, Heidi, Tyvimaa, Tanja, Pepping, Gert-Jan, et al. (2022) Intergenerational living and learning: The value and risks of co-locating retirement villages on secondary school campuses – Evaluating the GrandSchools vision. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 41 (3), pp.e305-e309.
1 citations on Web of Science
citations on Scopus
‘Boys play soccer, girls watch on the corner’: Gendered play and spaces in Jakarta public playgrounds

Arlinkasari, Fitri, Cushing, Debra Flanders, Miller, Evonne (2022) ‘Boys play soccer, girls watch on the corner’: Gendered play and spaces in Jakarta public playgrounds. Asian Journal of Social Science.
citations on Scopus
'Kookaburras, kangaroos, and my frilly necked lizard' : The value of wildlife, nature, and companion animals for older community-dwelling Australians
Dendle, Kelli, Miller, Evonne, Buys, Elinor, Vine, Desley (2022) 'Kookaburras, kangaroos, and my frilly necked lizard' : The value of wildlife, nature, and companion animals for older community-dwelling Australians. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 41 (2), pp.335-339.
citations on Web of Science
citations on Scopus
Retirement can wait: A phenomenographic exploration of professional baby-boomer engagement in non-standard employment
Niesel, Christoph, Buys, Laurie, Nili, Alireza, Miller, Evonne (2022) Retirement can wait: A phenomenographic exploration of professional baby-boomer engagement in non-standard employment. Ageing and Society, 42 (6), pp.1378-1402.
1 citations on Web of Science
1 citations on Scopus
Visibility and invisibility in the aged care sector : Visual representation in Australian news from 2018-2021
Thomson, T.J., Miller, Evonne, Holland-Batt, Sarah, Seevinck, Jen, Regi, Sam (2022) Visibility and invisibility in the aged care sector : Visual representation in Australian news from 2018-2021. Media International Australia.
citations on Web of Science
citations on Scopus
Architectural concept design process impacted by body and movement

Sinnamon, Catherine, Miller, Evonne (2022) Architectural concept design process impacted by body and movement. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 32 (2), pp.1079–1102.
citations on Web of Science
citations on Scopus
Beyond agree or disagree : A consent story and storytelling for Indonesian children
Arlinkasari, Fitri, Cushing, Debra, Miller, Evonne (2022) Beyond agree or disagree : A consent story and storytelling for Indonesian children. In Spencer, Grace (Ed.), Ethics and Integrity in Research with Children and Young People, Advances in Research Ethics and Integrity, pp.13-27.
The Supervision Whisperers : Why a Virtual Community of Practice for Research Supervisors did (not) work

Miller, Evonne, Mewburn, Inger (2022) The Supervision Whisperers : Why a Virtual Community of Practice for Research Supervisors did (not) work. In Sheldon, Julie, Sheppard, Victoria (Eds.), Online Communities for Doctoral Researchers and their Supervisors : Building Engagement with Social Media, pp.110-123.
citations on Scopus
Young Muslim Women's Negotiation of Authenticity on Instagram
Pramiyanti, Alila, Miller, Evonne, Caldwell, Glenda, Kurniawan, Eri (2022) Young Muslim Women's Negotiation of Authenticity on Instagram. International Journal of Communication, 16, pp.935-957.
citations on Web of Science
citations on Scopus
Building a Research Group: Urban Informatics 2006 to now
Foth, Marcus, Rittenbruch, Markus (2021) Building a Research Group: Urban Informatics 2006 to now. In Blackler, Alethea, Miller, Evonne (Eds.), How to Be a Design Academic: From Learning to Leading.
Strengthening consumer trust in beef supply chain traceability with a blockchain-based human-machine reconcile mechanism

Cao, Shoufeng, Powell, Warwick, Foth, Marcus, Natanelov, Valeri, Miller, Thomas, Dulleck, Uwe (2021) Strengthening consumer trust in beef supply chain traceability with a blockchain-based human-machine reconcile mechanism. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 180, pp.Article number: 105886.
citations on Scopus
Designing cycling and running garments to increase conspicuity

Fylan, Fiona, Bentley, Laura, Brough, Dean, King, Mark, Black, Alex, King, Neil, Wood, Joanne (2021) Designing cycling and running garments to increase conspicuity. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education.
citations on Scopus
The blockchain conundrum: humans, community regulation and chains

Robb, Lachlan, Deane, Felicity, Tranter, Kieran (2021) The blockchain conundrum: humans, community regulation and chains. Law, Innovation and Technology, 13 (2), pp.355-376.
citations on Scopus
What are the effects of short video storytelling in delivering Blockchain-credentialed Australian beef products to China?
Cao, Shoufeng, Foth, Marcus, Powell, Warwick, McQueenie, Jock (2021) What are the effects of short video storytelling in delivering Blockchain-credentialed Australian beef products to China?. Foods, 10 (10), pp.Article number: 2403.
citations on Web of Science
citations on Scopus
How to agree on common knowledge in blockchain-enabled supply chains

Powell, Warwick, Cao, Shoufeng, Miller, Thomas, Foth, Marcus, Boyen, Xavier, Earsman, Barry, Del Valle Gallo, Santiago, Turner-Morris, Charles (2021) From premise to practice of social consensus: How to agree on common knowledge in blockchain-enabled supply chains. Computer Networks, 200, pp.Article number: 108536.
citations on Web of Science
citations on Scopus
How does blockchain redefine trust?

Powell, Warwick, Cao, Shoufeng, Foth, Marcus, He, Shan, Turner-Morris, Charles, Li, Ming (2021) Revisiting trust in supply chains: How does blockchain redefine trust?. In Abdelaziz, Bouras, Khalil, Ibrahim, Aouni, Belaid (Eds.), Blockchain Driven Supply Chains and Enterprise Information Systems.
Playful Placemaking : Wayfinding for joyful experience and 'Happy Habitats'

Baade, Kirsten, Seevinck, Jen, Miller, Evonne, Ridsdale, Gillian, Seear, Lynne, Douglas, Matt (2021) Playful Placemaking : Wayfinding for joyful experience and 'Happy Habitats'
Thinking into Being: QUT Alumni Triennial

Dionysius, Katherine, Gomez, Rafael, Hearn, Greg, Miller, Evonne, Rieger, Janice, Scharoun, Lisa, Tyurina, Anastasia, Van Ooyen, Vanessa (2021) Thinking into Being: QUT Alumni Triennial. Thinking into Being: QUT Alumni Triennial.
Where were you during the Queen's visit? Using photographs to facilitate collective storytelling, resident identity and positive care relationships in aged care

King, Tricia, Miller, Evonne (2021) Where were you during the Queen's visit? Using photographs to facilitate collective storytelling, resident identity and positive care relationships in aged care. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 40 (3), pp.e269-e272.
citations on Web of Science
citations on Scopus
My home in later life: A phenomenographic study of older adults' experience of home

Dendle, Kelli, Miller, Evonne, Buys, Laurie, Vine, Desley (2021) My home in later life: A phenomenographic study of older adults' experience of home. Journal of Aging Studies, 57, pp.Article number: 100935.
1 citations on Web of Science
1 citations on Scopus
HEAL Report: Healthcare + Design = Innovation
Miller, Evonne, Chari, Satyan, Winter, Abbe, Ryan, Zoe, Cheers, Jessica, Wright, Natalie, Tyurina, Anastasia, Matthews, Judy, Ness Wilson, Leighann, Johnstone, Sarah, et al. (2021) HEAL Report: Healthcare + Design = Innovation
How to be a Design Academic: From Learning to Leading

Blackler, Alethea, Miller, Evonne (2021) How to be a Design Academic: From Learning to Leading
Being a design academic : From beginning to winning

Blackler, Alethea, Miller, Evonne (2021) Being a design academic : From beginning to winning. In Blackler, Alethea, Miller, Evonne (Eds.), How to be a Design Academic : From Learning to Leading, pp.1-8.
Creative Arts-Based Research in Aged Care: Photovoice, Photography and Poetry in Action

Miller, Evonne (2021) Creative Arts-Based Research in Aged Care: Photovoice, Photography and Poetry in Action. Routledge Advances in Health and Social Policy.
How to 'Dare Greatly' in Academia

Miller, Evonne (2021) How to 'Dare Greatly' in Academia. In Blackler, A, Miller, E (Eds.), How to be a Design Academic : From Learning to Leading, pp.177-187.
A 'Non-Designer' in a Design School

Miller, Evonne (2021) A 'Non-Designer' in a Design School. In Blackler, A, Miller, E (Eds.), How to Be a Design Academic : From Learning to Leading, pp.45-55.
Theory-storming in the urban realm : Using Nudge Theory to inform the design of health-promoting places
Miller, Evonne, Cushing, Debra (2021) Theory-storming in the urban realm : Using Nudge Theory to inform the design of health-promoting places. The Journal of Design Strategies, 10 (1), pp.112-121.
Digital Monuments

Brott, Simone (2020) Digital monuments: The dreams and abuses of iconic architecture
citations on Scopus
#BlockSidewalk to Barcelona

Mann, Monique, Mitchell, Peta, Foth, Marcus, Anastasiu Cioaca, Irina (2020) #BlockSidewalk to Barcelona: Technological Sovereignty and the Social Licence to Operate Smart Cities. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 71 (9), pp.1103-1115.
citations on Web of Science
1 citations on Scopus
A New Toolkit for Land Value Analysis and Scenario Planning
Pettit, Chris, Shi, Y., Han, Hoon, Rittenbruch, Markus, Foth, Marcus, Lieske, Scott, Van De Nouwelant, Ryan, Mitchell, Peta, Leao, Simone, Christensen, Bryce, et al. (2020) A new toolkit for land value analysis and scenario planning. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 47 (8), pp.1490-1507.
1 citations on Web of Science
1 citations on Scopus
Tales of Institutioning and Commoning: Participatory Design Processes with a Strategic and Tactical Perspective
Teli, Maurizio, Foth, Marcus, Sciannamblo, Mariacristina, Anastasiu Cioaca, Irina, Lyle, Peter (2020) Tales of Institutioning and Commoning: Participatory Design Processes with a Strategic and Tactical Perspective. In Del Gaudio, Chiara, Parra-Agudelo, Leonardo, Clarke, Rachel, Saad-Sulonen, Joanna, Botero, Andrea, Botero, Andrea, Londono, Felipe Cesar, Londono, Felipe Cesar, Escandon Suarez, Paula Andrea (Eds.), PDC '20: Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference 2020 - Participation(s) Otherwise - Volume 1, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp.159-171.
citations on Scopus
From Repositories to Switchboards: Local Governments as Open Data Facilitators

Anastasiu Cioaca, Irina, Foth, Marcus, Schroeter, Ronald, Rittenbruch, Markus (2020) From repositories to switchboards: Local governments as open data facilitators. In Hawken, S, Han, H, Pettitt, C (Eds.), Open Cities | Open Data: Collaborative Cities in the Information Era, pp.331-358.
1 citations on Scopus
The Museum in the Smart City: The Role of Cultural Institutions in Co-creating Urban Imaginaries

Estrada Grajales, Carlos, Foth, Marcus, Mitchell, Peta, Caldwell, Glenda (2020) The museum in the smart city: the role of cultural institutions in co-creating urban imaginaries. In Wills, Katharine S., Aurigi, Alessandro (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Smart Cities, Routledge International Handbooks, pp.332-347.
A More-than-Human Perspective on Understanding the Performance of the Built Environment

Loh, Susan, Foth, Marcus, Caldwell, Glenda Amayo, Garcia-hansen, Veronica, Thomson, Mark (2020) A more-than-human perspective on understanding the performance of the built environment. Architectural Science Review, 63 (3-4), pp.372-383.
2 citations on Scopus
A New Tool for Land Value Analysis and Scenario Planning
Pettit, Chris, Shi, Y., Han, Hoon, Rittenbruch, Markus, Foth, Marcus, Lieske, Scott, Van De Nouwelant, Ryan, Mitchell, Peta, Leao, Simone, Christensen, Bryce, et al. (2020) A new toolkit for land value analysis and scenario planning. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 47 (8), pp.1490-1507.
1 citations on Web of Science
1 citations on Scopus
BeefLedger blockchain-credentialed beef exports to China: Early consumer insights
Cao, Shoufeng, Dulleck, Uwe, Powell, Warwick, Turner-Morris, Charles, Natanelov, Valeri, Foth, Marcus (2020) BeefLedger blockchain-credentialed beef exports to China: Early consumer insights
The Role of Fab Labs and Living Labs for Economic Development of Regional Australia

Bilandzic, Ana Sima, Foth, Marcus, Hearn, Greg (2020) The role of Fab Labs and Living Labs for economic development of regional Australia. In Van Luyn, Ariella, de la Fuente, Eduardo (Eds.), Regional cultures, economies, and creativity: Innovating through place in Australia and beyond, Routledge Advances in Sociology, pp.174-197.
Tales of Institutioning and Commoning: Participatory Design Processes with a Strategic and Tactical Perspective
Teli, Maurizio, Foth, Marcus, Sciannamblo, Mariacristina, Anastasiu Cioaca, Irina, Lyle, Peter (2020) Tales of Institutioning and Commoning: Participatory Design Processes with a Strategic and Tactical Perspective. In Del Gaudio, Chiara, Parra-Agudelo, Leonardo, Clarke, Rachel, Saad-Sulonen, Joanna, Botero, Andrea, Botero, Andrea, Londono, Felipe Cesar, Londono, Felipe Cesar, Escandon Suarez, Paula Andrea (Eds.), PDC '20: Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference 2020 - Participation(s) Otherwise - Volume 1, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp.159-171.
citations on Scopus
From Repositories to Switchboards: Local Governments as Open Data Facilitators

Anastasiu Cioaca, Irina, Foth, Marcus, Schroeter, Ronald, Rittenbruch, Markus (2020) From repositories to switchboards: Local governments as open data facilitators. In Hawken, S, Han, H, Pettitt, C (Eds.), Open Cities | Open Data: Collaborative Cities in the Information Era, pp.331-358.
1 citations on Scopus
The Museum in the Smart City: The Role of Cultural Institutions in Co-creating Urban Imaginaries

Estrada Grajales, Carlos, Foth, Marcus, Mitchell, Peta, Caldwell, Glenda (2020) The museum in the smart city: the role of cultural institutions in co-creating urban imaginaries. In Wills, Katharine S., Aurigi, Alessandro (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Smart Cities, Routledge International Handbooks, pp.332-347.
A More-than-Human Perspective on Understanding the Performance of the Built Environment

Loh, Susan, Foth, Marcus, Caldwell, Glenda Amayo, Garcia-hansen, Veronica, Thomson, Mark (2020) A more-than-human perspective on understanding the performance of the built environment. Architectural Science Review, 63 (3-4), pp.372-383.
2 citations on Scopus
A New Tool for Land Value Analysis and Scenario Planning
Pettit, Chris, Shi, Y., Han, Hoon, Rittenbruch, Markus, Foth, Marcus, Lieske, Scott, Van De Nouwelant, Ryan, Mitchell, Peta, Leao, Simone, Christensen, Bryce, et al. (2020) A new toolkit for land value analysis and scenario planning. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 47 (8), pp.1490-1507.
1 citations on Web of Science
1 citations on Scopus
#BlockSidewalk to Barcelona: Technological Sovereignty and the Social Licence to Operate Smart Cities

Mann, Monique, Mitchell, Peta, Foth, Marcus, Anastasiu Cioaca, Irina (2020) #BlockSidewalk to Barcelona: Technological Sovereignty and the Social Licence to Operate Smart Cities. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 71 (9), pp.1103-1115.
citations on Web of Science
1 citations on Scopus
1300 Pieces of Rubbish: A Collaborative Approach to Making Sense of Everyday Resource Sufficiency in the Home
McKinnon, Heather, Foth, Marcus, Sade, Gavin (2020) 1300 Pieces of Rubbish: A Collaborative Approach to Making Sense of Everyday Resource Sufficiency in the Home. DIS 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, DIS 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, pp.1351-1364.
citations on Scopus
Mapping Brisbane’s Casual Creative Corridor: Land use and policy implications of a new genre in urban creative ecosystems

Mengi, Onur, Bilandzic, Ana, Foth, Marcus, Guaralda, Mirko (2020) Mapping Brisbane’s Casual Creative Corridor: Land use and policy implications of a new genre in urban creative ecosystems. Land Use Policy, 97, pp.Article number: 104792 1-11.
citations on Scopus
Creating Great Places

Cushing, Debra Flanders, Miller, Evonne (2020) Creating Great Places: Evidence-based Urban Design for Health and Wellbeing
Cross-Cultural Design for Healthy Ageing

Scharoun, L., Hills, D., Montana-Hoyos, C., Sung, V., Peng, F. (2020) Cross-Cultural Design for Health Ageing. Intellect Ltd.
Designing Fashion's Future

Payne, A. (2020) Designing Fashion's Future: Present practice and tactics for sustainable change. Bloomsbury Visual Arts, London, UK. .
Film Noir and Los Angeles

Maher, Sean (2020) Film Noir and Los Angeles: Urban history and the dark imaginary. Routledge.
Health Promotion in the 21st Century

Fleming, ML., Baldwin, L (2020) Health Promotion in the 21st Century: New approaches to achieving health for all. Routledge.
The Fashion Show and Its Spaces

Ferrero-Regis, T., Lindquist, M (2020) The Fashion Show and Its Spaces: Staging Fashion. Taylor & Francis.
Panoptic blockchain ecosystems: An exploratory case study of the beef supply chain
Robb, Lachlan, Deane, Felicity, Powell, Warwick (2020) Panoptic blockchain ecosystems: An exploratory case study of the beef supply chain. Monash University Law Review, 46 (2), pp.57–84.
Searching for New Aesthetics: Unfolding the Artistic Potential of Images Made by the Scanning Electron Microscopy

Tyurina, Anastasia (2020) Searching for New Aesthetics: Unfolding the Artistic Potential of Images Made by the Scanning Electron Microscopy. In Earnshaw, Rae, Liggett, Susan, Excell, Peter, Thalmann, Daniel (Eds.), Technology, Design and the Arts - Opportunities and Challenges, Springer Series on Cultural Computing, pp.103-119.
citations on Scopus
The Experiences and Healthcare Needs of Families Living With Pediatric Brain Tumor: A Longitudinal Qualitative Study Protocol
Young, Kate, Miller, Evonne, Ekberg, Stuart, Bradford, Natalie (2020) The Experiences and Healthcare Needs of Families Living With Pediatric Brain Tumor: A Longitudinal Qualitative Study Protocol. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 19, pp.1-8.
citations on Web of Science
citations on Scopus
From Admission to Discharge : Designing Biophilic, Salutogenic + Eudemonic Hospital Spaces in a Post-pandemic World
Burton, Lindy Osborne, Carthey, Jane, Miller, Evonne (2020) From Admission to Discharge : Designing Biophilic, Salutogenic + Eudemonic Hospital Spaces in a Post-pandemic World. European Health Property Network: The hospital response to the Pandemic Challenge : The second webinar of the European Health Property Network, walkerproject ag, White Arkitekter and Ramboll, (2).
Redesigning aged care with a biophilic lens : A call to action

Miller, Evonne, Burton, Lindy Osborne (2020) Redesigning aged care with a biophilic lens : A call to action. Cities & Health.
The happiness initiative: Changing organizational culture to make 'brilliance' mainstream in aged care

Miller, Evonne, Devlin, Nicole, Buys, Laurie, Donoghue, Geraldine (2020) The happiness initiative: Changing organizational culture to make 'brilliance' mainstream in aged care. Journal of Management and Organization, 26 (3), pp.296-308.
5 citations on Web of Science
7 citations on Scopus
Beyond 'chalk and talk': educator perspectives on design immersion programs for rural and regional schools

Wright, Natalie, Miller, Evonne, Dawes, Les, Wrigley, Cara (2020) Beyond 'chalk and talk': educator perspectives on design immersion programs for rural and regional schools. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 30 (1), pp.35–65.
4 citations on Web of Science
8 citations on Scopus
Creating Great Places : Evidence-based Urban Design for Health and Wellbeing

Cushing, Debra Flanders, Miller, Evonne (2020) Creating Great Places : Evidence-based Urban Design for Health and Wellbeing
1 citations on Scopus
'Forget your gadget, let's play outside!': Traditional play in Jakarta, Indonesia

Arlinkasari, Fitri, Cushing, Debra, Miller, Evonne (2020) 'Forget your gadget, let's play outside!': Traditional play in Jakarta, Indonesia. In Nijholt, A (Ed.), Making smart cities more playable: Exploring playable cities (Gaming Media and Social Effects), pp.319-352.
Play, work, and rest : The developmental affordances of designated child-friendly public spaces in Jakarta, Indonesia
Arlinkasari, Fitri, Cushing, Debra, Miller, Evonne (2020) Play, work, and rest : The developmental affordances of designated child-friendly public spaces in Jakarta, Indonesia. Children, Youth and Environments, 30 (2), pp.119-146.
Should design care?

Foster, Tot, Miller, Evonne (2020) Should design care?. In Rodgers, Paul A, Innella, Giovanni, Bremner, Craig (Eds.), Does design care...?! : Head-to head debates, pp.117-121.
Global Perspectives on Sustainable Fashion

Gwilt, Alison, Payne, Alice, Ruthschilling, Evelise Anicet (Eds.) (2019) Global Perspectives on Sustainable Fashion. In Gwilt, Alison, Payne, Alice, Ruthschilling, Evelise Anicet (Eds.).
Creatives in the country?
Foth, Marcus, McQueenie, John (2019) Creatives in the country? Blockchain and agtech can create unexpected jobs in regional Australia. The Conversation, June, pp.1-5.
INAS Games Legacy Project

Guaralda, Mirko, Miller, Evonne, Mayere, Severine, Rieger, Janice, Kerr, Jeremy, Whelan, Michael, Nicollet, Cindy (2019) INAS Games Legacy Project
Photovoice in aged care: What do residents value?
Miller, Evonne, Buys, Laurie, Donoghue, Geraldine (2019) Photovoice in aged care: What do residents value?. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 38 (3), pp.e93-e97.
7 citations on Web of Science
9 citations on Scopus
Causalities, contributors or change agents? (Re)framing the role of older Australians in climate change
Miller, Evonne (2019) Causalities, contributors or change agents? (Re)framing the role of older Australians in climate change. 23rd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion (IUHPE).
Apps, avatars, and robots: The future of mental healthcare

Miller, Evonne, Polson, Debra (2019) Apps, avatars, and robots: The future of mental healthcare. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 40 (3), pp.208-214.
15 citations on Web of Science
23 citations on Scopus
Participatory art in residential aged care: A visual and interpretative phenomenological analysis of older residents’ engagement with tapestry weaving

Pappne Demecs, Ilona, Miller, Evonne (2019) Participatory art in residential aged care: A visual and interpretative phenomenological analysis of older residents’ engagement with tapestry weaving. Journal of Occupational Science, 26 (1), pp.99-114.
3 citations on Web of Science
2 citations on Scopus
Creating research poetry: A nursing home example
Miller, Evonne (2019) Creating research poetry: A nursing home example. In Humble, A, Radina, E (Eds.), How Qualitative Data Analysis Happens : Move Beyond "Themes Emerged", pp.18-33.
1 citations on Scopus
Spaces, sauce and schedules: A photographic journey of aged care
King, Tricia, Miller, Evonne, Donoghue, Geraldine (2019) Spaces, sauce and schedules: A photographic journey of aged care. Social Alternatives, 38 (1), pp.35-44.
3 citations on Web of Science
Woven narratives: A craft encounter with tapestry weaving in a residential aged care facility
Pappne Demecs, Ilona, Miller, Evonne (2019) Woven narratives: A craft encounter with tapestry weaving in a residential aged care facility. Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal, 4 (1), pp.256-286.
Digital Participation through Social Living Labs

Dezuanni, Michael, Foth, Marcus, Mallan, Kerry, Hughes, Hilary (Eds.) (2018) Digital Participation through Social Living Labs: Valuing Local Knowledge, Enhancing Engagement. In Dezuanni, Michael, Foth, Marcus, Mallan, Kerry, Hughes, Hilary (Eds.).
Mapping a connected learning ecology to foster digital participation in regional communities

Lankester, Allyson, Hughes, Hilary, Foth, Marcus (2018) Mapping a connected learning ecology to foster digital participation in regional communities. In Foth, M, Mallan, K, Hughes, H, Dezuanni, M (Eds.), Digital participation through social living labs: Valuing local knowledge, enhancing engagement, pp.141-171.
2 citations on Scopus
Mixhaus: Dissolving boundaries with a community maker space

Foth, Marcus, Lankester, Allyson, Hughes, Hilary (2018) Mixhaus: Dissolving boundaries with a community maker space. In Foth, M, Mallan, K, Hughes, H, Dezuanni, M (Eds.), Digital participation through social living labs: Valuing local knowledge, enhancing engagement, pp.97-116.
2 citations on Scopus
Social living labs for digital participation and connected learning

Dezuanni, Michael, Foth, Marcus, Mallan, Kerry, Hughes, Hilary, Osborne, Roger (2018) Social living labs for digital participation and connected learning. In Foth, M, Mallan, K, Hughes, H, Dezuanni, M (Eds.), Digital participation through social living labs: Valuing local knowledge, enhancing engagement, pp.1-17.
6 citations on Scopus
Fostering digital participation and communication through social living labs: a qualitative case study from regional Australia
Hughes, Hilary, Foth, Marcus, Dezuanni, Michael, Mallan, Kerry, Allan, Cherie (2018) Fostering digital participation and communication through social living labs: a qualitative case study from regional Australia. Communication Research and Practice, 4 (2), pp.183-206.
4 citations on Web of Science
6 citations on Scopus
Breaking research boundaries: a poetic representation of life in an aged care facility

Miller, Evonne (2018) Breaking research boundaries: a poetic representation of life in an aged care facility. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 15 (2-3), pp.381-394.
2 citations on Web of Science
4 citations on Scopus
Later-life gardening in a retirement community: sites of identity, resilience and creativity

Miller, Evonne, Donoghue, Geraldine, Sullivan, Debra, Buys, Laurie (2018) Later-life gardening in a retirement community: sites of identity, resilience and creativity. In Newman, A, Goulding, A, Davenport, B (Eds.), Resilience and ageing: creativity, culture and community (Connected Communities), pp.249-266.
2 citations on Scopus
'My hobby is global warming and peak oil': sustainability as serious leisure

Miller, Evonne (2018) 'My hobby is global warming and peak oil': sustainability as serious leisure. World Leisure Journal, 60 (3), pp.209-220.
4 citations on Web of Science
5 citations on Scopus
Resilience and vulnerability: Older adults and the Brisbane floods

Miller, Evonne, Brockie, Lauren (2018) Resilience and vulnerability: Older adults and the Brisbane floods. In Kim, D, Samui, P, Ghosh, C (Eds.), Integrating disaster science and management: Global case studies in mitigation and recovery, pp.379-391.
3 citations on Scopus
'The trauma of the cyclone has changed us forever': self-reliance, vulnerability and resilience among older Australians in cyclone-prone areas
Astill, Sandra, Miller, Evonne (2018) 'The trauma of the cyclone has changed us forever': self-reliance, vulnerability and resilience among older Australians in cyclone-prone areas. Ageing and Society, 38 (2), pp.403-429.
13 citations on Web of Science
13 citations on Scopus
'We expect seniors to be able to prepare and recover from a cyclone as well as younger members of this community': Emergency Management's Expectations of Older Adults Residing in Aging, Remote Hamlets on Australia's Cyclone-Prone Coastline
Astill, Sandra, Miller, Evonne (2018) 'We expect seniors to be able to prepare and recover from a cyclone as well as younger members of this community': Emergency Management's Expectations of Older Adults Residing in Aging, Remote Hamlets on Australia's Cyclone-Prone Coastline. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 12 (1), pp.14-18.
6 citations on Web of Science
6 citations on Scopus
Emergence in Interactive Art

Seevinck, Jennifer (2017) Emergence in Interactive Art. Springer Series on Cultural Computing.
Skunkworks: Designing regional innovation spaces for the creative fringe
Foth, Marcus, Hughes, Hilary, Dezuanni, Michael, Mallan, Kerry (2017) Skunkworks: Designing regional innovation spaces for the creative fringe. Communities and Technology Workshop - Designing Participation for the Digital Fringe, pp.1-1.
The promise of blockchain technology for interaction design
Foth, Marcus (2017) The promise of blockchain technology for interaction design. In Soro, A, Vyas, D, Waycott, J, Ploderer, B, Morrison, A, Brereton, M (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference (OzCHI 2017), pp.513-517.
6 citations on Scopus
Inside aged care: A photographic and poetic exhibition of laughter, loss and leisure
Miller, Evonne, Donoghue, Geraldine, Buys, Laurie, Holland-Batt, Sarah (2017) Inside aged care: A photographic and poetic exhibition of laughter, loss and leisure. Australian Journal of Dementia Care, 6 (3), pp.32-35.
Older adults' disaster lifecycle experience of the 2011 and 2013 Queensland floods
Brockie, Lauren, Miller, Evonne (2017) Older adults' disaster lifecycle experience of the 2011 and 2013 Queensland floods. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 22, pp.211-218.
19 citations on Web of Science
20 citations on Scopus
Understanding older adults' resilience during the Brisbane floods: social capital, life experience, and optimism
Brockie, Lauren, Miller, Evonne (2017) Understanding older adults' resilience during the Brisbane floods: social capital, life experience, and optimism. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 11 (1), pp.72-79.
17 citations on Web of Science
17 citations on Scopus
Using participatory visual methods in aged care: The methodological, logistical, and ethical considerations for qualitative research practice

Donoghue, Geraldine, Miller, Evonne, Buys, Laurie (2017) Using participatory visual methods in aged care: The methodological, logistical, and ethical considerations for qualitative research practice. SAGE Research Methods Cases: Part 2, pp.1-10.
"Yes, No, Maybe...": How visual methods challenge participant-researcher ethical boundaries – insight from qualitative longitudinal research in aged care
Miller, Evonne, Donoghue, Geraldine (2017) "Yes, No, Maybe...": How visual methods challenge participant-researcher ethical boundaries – insight from qualitative longitudinal research in aged care. London Conference in Critical Thought (LCCT 2017), p.44.
Bruno Taut’s design inspiration for the Glashaus

Nielsen, David (2016) Bruno Taut’s design inspiration for the Glashaus. Routledge Research in Architecture.
citations on Web of Science
citations on Scopus
Digital Futures and the City of Today

Caldwell, Glenda, Smith, Carl, Clift, Edward (Eds.) (2016) Digital Futures and the City of Today: New Technologies and Physical Spaces. In Caldwell, Glenda, Smith, Carl, Clift, Edward (Eds.), Mediated Cities Series.
Filming the City

Clift, Edward, Guaralda, Mirko, Mattes, Ari (Eds.) (2016) Filming the City Urban Documents, Design Practices and Social Criticism Through the Lens. In Clift, Edward, Guaralda, Mirko, Mattes, Ari (Eds.), Mediated Cities series.
Modern Fashion Traditions

Jansen, M. Angela, Craik, Jennifer (Eds.) (2016) Modern Fashion Traditions : Negotiating Tradition and Modernity through Fashion. In Jansen, M. Angela, Craik, Jennifer (Eds.), Dress and Fashion Research.
Digital fabrication and local participation: a community maker space dissolving boundaries
Foth, Marcus, Lankester, Allyson, Hughes, Hilary (2016) Digital fabrication and local participation: A community maker space dissolving boundaries. In Davis, H, Farmer, J (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2016 OZCHI Workshop on Digital Participation: Engaging Diverse and Marginalised Communities, pp.1-9.
Social living labs for digital participation: Designing with regional and rural communities [workshop proceedings]
Dezuanni, Michael, Foth, Marcus, Mallan, Kerry, Hughes, Hilary (2016) Social living labs for digital participation: Designing with regional and rural communities [workshop proceedings]. Designing Interactive Systems Conference, pp.49-52.
1 citations on Scopus
Dis/ordered Mapping/s of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights

Rieger, Janice (2016) Dis/ordered Mapping/s of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights
Inside the Designer

McAuliffe, Marisha (2016) Inside the Designer: Understanding Imagining in Spatial Design
Beyond bingo: A phenomenographic exploration of leisure in aged care
Miller, Evonne (2016) Beyond bingo: A phenomenographic exploration of leisure in aged care. Journal of Leisure Research, 48 (1), pp.35-49.
7 citations on Web of Science
7 citations on Scopus
Destined to design? How and why Australian women choose to study industrial design
Lockhart, Catherine, Miller, Evonne (2016) Destined to design? How and why Australian women choose to study industrial design. International Journal of Art and Design Education, 35 (2), pp.213-228.
citations on Web of Science
citations on Scopus
'I understand. I am a participant': Navigating the 'fuzzy' boundaries of visual methods in qualitative longitudinal research

Donoghue, Geraldine, Miller, Evonne (2016) 'I understand. I am a participant': Navigating the 'fuzzy' boundaries of visual methods in qualitative longitudinal research. In Cox, S, Warr, D, Waycott, J, Guillemin, M (Eds.), Ethics and visual research methods: Theory, methodology, and practice, pp.129-139.
3 citations on Scopus
Citizen’s Right To The Digital City

Foth, Marcus, Brynskov, Martin, Ojala, Timo (Eds.) (2015) Citizen’s right to the digital city: Urban interfaces, activism, and placemaking. In Foth, Marcus, Brynskov, Martin, Ojala, Timo (Eds.).
11 citations on Scopus
Wear Next

Davis, Rebekah, Gomez, Rafael (2015) Wear Next: An Exploration into the Future of Wearable Technology
Cities of Light

Isenstadt, Sandy, Petty, Margaret, Neumann, Dietrich (2015) Cities of Light: Two Centuries of Urban Illumination
Intuitive Interaction

Blackler, Alethea, Popovic, Vesna (Eds.) (2015) Special Issue: Intuitive Interaction [Edited]. Vol. 27. [3 ed.]. In Blackler, Alethea, Popovic, Vesna (Eds.), 27 (3).
The Perception of Light

McAuliffe, Marisha (2015) The Perception of Light: Understanding Architectural Lighting Design
The disaster flood experience: Older people's poetic voices of resilience
Miller, Evonne, Brockie, Lauren (2015) The disaster flood experience: Older people's poetic voices of resilience. Journal of Aging Studies, 34, pp.103-112.
15 citations on Web of Science
23 citations on Scopus
Residents' experiences of privacy and comfort in multi-storey apartment dwellings in subtropical Brisbane
Kennedy, Rosemary, Buys, Laurie, Miller, Evonne (2015) Residents' experiences of privacy and comfort in multi-storey apartment dwellings in subtropical Brisbane. Sustainability, 7 (6), pp.7741-7761.
33 citations on Web of Science
36 citations on Scopus
Studying industrial design: Exploring the experience of female students
Lockhart, Cathy, Miller, Evonne (2015) Studying industrial design: Exploring the experience of female students. IDEN, 3, pp.11-25.
Urban acupuncture: Hybrid social and technological practices for hyperlocal placemaking
Houghton, Kirralie, Foth, Marcus, Miller, Evonne (2015) Urban acupuncture: Hybrid social and technological practices for hyperlocal placemaking. Journal of Urban Technology, 22 (3), pp.3-19.
21 citations on Web of Science
27 citations on Scopus
'You could scream the place down': five poems on the experience of aged care
Miller, Evonne, Donoghue, Geraldine, Holland-Batt, Sarah (2015) 'You could scream the place down': five poems on the experience of aged care. Qualitative Inquiry, 21 (5), pp.410-417.
11 citations on Web of Science
14 citations on Scopus
Street Computing: Urban Informatics and City Interfaces

Foth, Marcus, Rittenbruch, Markus, Robinson, Ricky, Viller, Stephen (Eds.) (2014) Street Computing : Urban Informatics and City Interfaces. In Foth, Marcus, Rittenbruch, Markus, Robinson, Ricky, Viller, Stephen (Eds.).
Eat Cook Grow

Choi, Jaz, Foth, Marcus, Hearn, Greg (Eds.) (2014) Eat Cook Grow : Mixing Human-Computer Interactions with Human-Food Interactions. In Choi, Jaz, Foth, Marcus, Hearn, Greg (Eds.).
A Triple Bottom Line Planning Tool for Measuring Sustainability

Buys, Laurie, Mengersen, Kerrie, Johnson, Sandra, Van Buuren, Neil, Miller, Evonne (2014) A Triple Bottom Line Planning Tool for Measuring Sustainability : A Systems Approach to Sustainability Using the Australian Dairy Industry as a Case Study
Rethinking Invasion Ecologies from the Environmental Humanities

Frawley, Jodi, McCalman, Iain (2014) Rethinking Invasion Ecologies from the Environmental Humanities. Routledge Environmental Humanities.
Exploring Bodies in Time and Space

McLean, Loyola, Stafford, Lisa, Weeks, Mark (Eds.) (2014) Exploring Bodies in Time and Space. In McLean, Loyola, Stafford, Lisa, Weeks, Mark (Eds.).
Transmedia Practice

Polson, Debra, Cook, Ann-Marie, Velikovsky, JT, Brackin, Adam (Eds.) (2014) Transmedia Practice : A Collective Approach. In Polson, Debra, Cook, Ann-Marie, Velikovsky, JT, Brackin, Adam (Eds.).
Architecture in the South Pacific: The Ocean of Islands

Taylor, Jennifer, Conner, James (2014) Architecture in the South Pacific : the Ocean of Islands
Emerging opportunities for 'design thinking' to deliver sustainable solutions in the built environment

Wilson, Kimberley, Desha, Cheryl, Bucolo, Sam, Miller, Evonne, Hargroves, Karlson (Charlie) (2014) Emerging opportunities for 'design thinking' to deliver sustainable solutions in the built environment. International Journal of Design Management and Professional Practice, 8 (1), pp.1-10.
1 citations on Scopus
Evolving a design driven 'hybrid' research approach to inform and advance sustainable outcomes in the built environment sector
Wilson, Kim, Desha, Cheryl, Miller, Evonne (2014) Evolving a design driven 'hybrid' research approach to inform and advance sustainable outcomes in the built environment sector. In Lim, Y K, Niedderer, K (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2014 Design Research Society Conference, pp.255-267.
Facilitating sustainability in heritage buildings in Australia: learning from the design profession
Wilson, Kim, Miller, Evonne, Desha, Cheryl (2014) Facilitating sustainability in heritage buildings in Australia: learning from the design profession. In Lira, S, Amoeda, R, Pinheiro, C (Eds.), Heritage 2014 - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Volume 2, pp.1169-1178.
Integrating ICT into the planning process: impacts, opportunities and challenges
Houghton, Kirralie, Miller, Evonne, Foth, Marcus (2014) Integrating ICT into the planning process: impacts, opportunities and challenges. Australian Planner, 51 (1), pp.24-33-33.
28 citations on Web of Science
36 citations on Scopus
Key facilitators and barriers to quality of life in residential aged care: the role of design
Miller, Evonne, Donoghue, Geraldine, Buys, Laurie (2014) Key facilitators and barriers to quality of life in residential aged care: the role of design. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 7 (1), pp.397-412.
The local library across the digital and physical city: Opportunities for economic development
Houghton, Kirralie, Foth, Marcus, Miller, Evonne (2014) The local library across the digital and physical city: Opportunities for economic development. Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance, 15, pp.39-60.
4 citations on Web of Science
'Not a local win': Rural Australian perceptions of the sustainable impacts of forest plantations
Miller, Evonne, Buys, Laurie (2014) 'Not a local win': Rural Australian perceptions of the sustainable impacts of forest plantations. Rural Society, 23 (2), pp.161-174.
2 citations on Web of Science
3 citations on Scopus
Perceptions of climate change and trust in information providers in rural Australia
Buys, Laurie, Aird, Rosemary, van Megen, Kimberley, Miller, Evonne, Sommerfeld, Jeffrey (2014) Perceptions of climate change and trust in information providers in rural Australia. Public Understanding of Science, 23 (2), pp.170-188.
17 citations on Web of Science
21 citations on Scopus
Sense of home, Sense of place: A morpho-typological comparative study of Florida and Queensland
Guaralda, Mirko, Lawson, Gillian, Miller, Evonne (2014) Sense of home, Sense of place: A morpho-typological comparative study of Florida and Queensland. In Marzot, N, Cavallo, R, Komossa, S, Kuijper, J, Berghauser Pont, M (Eds.), New Urban Configurations, pp.567-573.
citations on Web of Science
citations on Scopus
A triple bottom line planning tool for measuring sustainability: A systems approach to sustainability using the Australian dairy industry as a case study

Buys, Laurie, Mengersen, Kerrie, Johnson, Sandra, Van Buuren, Neil, Miller, Evonne (2014) A triple bottom line planning tool for measuring sustainability: A systems approach to sustainability using the Australian dairy industry as a case study
Visual narratives and counter-narratives in aged care : Centring the participant as photographer in social science research

Donoghue, Geraldine, Miller, Evonne (2014) Visual narratives and counter-narratives in aged care : Centring the participant as photographer in social science research. Australian Sociological Association (TASA) 2014 Annual Conference: Challenging Identities, Institutions and Communities.
Architecture post mortem

Kunze, Donald, Bertolini, David, Brott, Simone (2013) Architecture post mortem : the diastolic architecture of decline, dystopia, and death. Ashgate Studies in Architecture Series.
A holistic blended design studio model

Saghafi, Mahmoud (2013) A holistic blended design studio model : Exploring and expanding learning opportunities
The continuing relevance of the library as a third place for users and non-users of IT: the case of Canada Bay
Houghton, Kirralie, Foth, Marcus, Miller, Evonne (2013) The continuing relevance of the library as a third place for users and non-users of IT: the case of Canada Bay. Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association, 62 (1), pp.27-39.
18 citations on Web of Science
22 citations on Scopus
Developing sustainable 'liveable' buildings, cities and communities for a sub-tropical context: residents' perspectives
Miller, Evonne, Buys, Laurie, Kennedy, Rosemary (2013) Developing sustainable 'liveable' buildings, cities and communities for a sub-tropical context: residents' perspectives. In Essig, N, Hauser, G, Lutzkendorf, T (Eds.), Implementing Sustainability - Barriers and Chances, pp.276-283.
The 'Engineers without Borders' Challenge: does it engage Australian and New Zealand students with sustainability?
Buys, Laurie, Miller, Evonne, Buckley, Matthew, Jolly, Lesley (2013) The 'Engineers without Borders' Challenge: does it engage Australian and New Zealand students with sustainability?. In Shoniregun, C (Ed.), Proceedings of the Ireland International Conference on Education (IICE-2013), pp.123-128.
Exploring pedestrian accessibility and walkability: insight from public place observations in inner-urban higher density Brisbane, Australia
Miller, Evonne, Buys, Laurie (2013) Exploring pedestrian accessibility and walkability: insight from public place observations in inner-urban higher density Brisbane, Australia. In Wulan, N, Kwary, D, Fanany, R, Budiastuti, A, Baharuddin, A (Eds.), Urban mobility: textual and spatial urban dynamics in health, culture and society: Official Conference Proceedings - The 3rd International Conference on Urban Mobility: Its Impacts on Socio-cultural and Health Issues, pp.188-196.
What makes inner city high density liveable? Insight from residents in Brisbane, Australia
Buys, Laurie, Vine, Desley, Miller, Evonne (2013) What makes inner city high density liveable? Insight from residents in Brisbane, Australia. Environmental Management and Sustainable Development, 2 (1), pp.14-33.
Design and Anthropology

Gunn, Wendy, Donovan, Jared (Eds.) (2012) Design and Anthropology. In Gunn, Wendy, Donovan, Jared (Eds.), Anthropological Studies of Creativity and Perception.
Public realm and transport, international best practice case studies and opportunities for Brisbane
Miller, Evonne, Kennedy, Rosemary J. (2012) Public realm and transport, international best practice case studies and opportunities for Brisbane
Active ageing among older adults with lifelong intellectual disabilities: The role of familial and nonfamilial social networks
Buys, Laurie, Aird, Rosemary, Miller, Evonne (2012) Active ageing among older adults with lifelong intellectual disabilities: The role of familial and nonfamilial social networks. Families in Society, 93 (1), pp.55-64.
4 citations on Web of Science
4 citations on Scopus
Active ageing: Developing a quantitative multidimensional measure
Buys, Laurie, Miller, Evonne (2012) Active ageing: Developing a quantitative multidimensional measure. In Tam, M, Boulton-Lewis, G (Eds.), Active Ageing, Active Learning: Issues and Challenges [Volume 15: Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects], pp.103-118.
7 citations on Scopus
Conceptualising climate change in rural Australia: community perceptions, attitudes and (in)actions
Buys, Laurie, Miller, Evonne, van Megen, Kimberley (2012) Conceptualising climate change in rural Australia: community perceptions, attitudes and (in)actions. Regional Environmental Change, 12 (1), pp.237-248.
56 citations on Web of Science
62 citations on Scopus
Diversification for sustainable development in rural and regional Australia: How local community leaders conceptualise the impacts and opportunities from agriculture, tourism and mining
Miller, Evonne, van Megen, Kimberley, Buys, Laurie (2012) Diversification for sustainable development in rural and regional Australia: How local community leaders conceptualise the impacts and opportunities from agriculture, tourism and mining. Rural Society, 22 (1), pp.2-16.
20 citations on Web of Science
21 citations on Scopus
Impact of disability on families: grandparents' perspectives
Miller, Evonne, Buys, Laurie, Woodbridge, S. (2012) Impact of disability on families: grandparents' perspectives. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 56 (1), pp.102-110.
18 citations on Web of Science
21 citations on Scopus
Leading a sustainable lifestyle in a 'non-sustainable world': Reflections from Australian ecovillage and suburban residents
Miller, Evonne, Bentley, Kristeen (2012) Leading a sustainable lifestyle in a 'non-sustainable world': Reflections from Australian ecovillage and suburban residents. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 6 (1), pp.137-147.
Making a case for social impact assessment in urban development: Social impacts and legal disputes in Queensland, Australia
Miller, Evonne, Buys, Laurie (2012) Making a case for social impact assessment in urban development: Social impacts and legal disputes in Queensland, Australia. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences, 65, pp.285-292.
1 citations on Web of Science
Mobility and active ageing in suburban environments: Findings from in-depth interviews and person-based GPS tracking
Zeitler, Elisabeth, Buys, Laurie, Aird, Rosemary, Miller, Evonne (2012) Mobility and active ageing in suburban environments: Findings from in-depth interviews and person-based GPS tracking. Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research, 2012, pp.Article number: 257186 1-10.
41 citations on Scopus
Residential satisfaction in inner urban higher-density Brisbane, Australia: role of dwelling design, neighbourhood and neighbours
Buys, Laurie, Miller, Evonne (2012) Residential satisfaction in inner urban higher-density Brisbane, Australia: role of dwelling design, neighbourhood and neighbours. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 55 (3), pp.319-338.
94 citations on Web of Science
108 citations on Scopus
Service providers' perceptions of active ageing among older adults with lifelong intellectual disabilities
Buys, Laurie, Aird, Rosemary, Miller, Evonne (2012) Service providers' perceptions of active ageing among older adults with lifelong intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 56 (12), pp.1133-1147.
12 citations on Web of Science
11 citations on Scopus
Transportation behaviours of older adults: An investigation into car dependency in urban Australia
Buys, Laurie, Snow, Steve, van Megen, Kimberley, Miller, Evonne (2012) Transportation behaviours of older adults: An investigation into car dependency in urban Australia. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 31 (3), pp.181-186.
35 citations on Web of Science
42 citations on Scopus
From Social Butterfly to Engaged Citizen

Foth, Marcus, Forlano, Laura, Satchell, Christine, Gibbs, Martin (Eds.) (2011) From social butterfly to engaged citizen: Urban informatics, social media, ubiquitous computing, and mobile technology to support citizen engagement. In Foth, Marcus, Forlano, Laura, Satchell, Christine, Gibbs, Martin (Eds.).
Architecture for a Free Subjectivity

Brott, Simone (2011) Architecture for a free subjectivity : Deleuze and Guattari at the Horizon of the Real
9 citations on Web of Science
6 citations on Scopus
Conceptualising convenience: Transportation practices and perceptions of inner-urban high density residents in Brisbane, Australia
Buys, Laurie, Miller, Evonne (2011) Conceptualising convenience: Transportation practices and perceptions of inner-urban high density residents in Brisbane, Australia. Transport Policy, 18 (1), pp.289-297.
27 citations on Web of Science
29 citations on Scopus
Designing disruption: linking participatory design and design thinking in technology orientated industries
Behrendorff, Carl, Bucolo, Savatore, Miller, Evonne (2011) Designing disruption: linking participatory design and design thinking in technology orientated industries. In Rizzo, F, Zurlo, F, Cautela, C, Deserti, A (Eds.), DPPI '11: Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces, pp.1-8.
2 citations on Scopus
Discussion paper and working paper series : Motivations, expectations and experiences of Australian rural and regional planners
Miller, Evonne, Sahama, Tony R., Grace, Peter, Wilson, Clevo, Hefferan, Michael (2011) Discussion paper and working paper series : Motivations, expectations and experiences of Australian rural and regional planners
6 citations on Web of Science
How design of the physical environment impacts on early learning: Educators' and parents' perspectives
Berris, Rebecca, Miller, Evonne (2011) How design of the physical environment impacts on early learning: Educators' and parents' perspectives. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 36 (4), pp.102-110.
19 citations on Scopus
Informed use of patients' records on trusted health care services

Sahama, Tony, Miller, Evonne (2011) Informed use of patients' records on trusted health care services. In Househ, M S, Schraa, E G, Borycki, E M, Kuziemsky, C E, Bartle-Clar, J A (Eds.), International Perspectives in Health Informatics, Volume 164 Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, pp.127-131.
citations on Web of Science
1 citations on Scopus
Motivations, expectations and experiences of Australian rural and regional planners
Miller, Evonne, Sahama, Tony, Grace, Peter, Wilson, Clevo, Hefferan, Mike (2011) Motivations, expectations and experiences of Australian rural and regional planners. Australian Planner, 48 (4), pp.305-312.
6 citations on Web of Science
6 citations on Scopus
'My grandchild has a disability': Impact on grandparenting identity, roles and relationships
Woodbridge, Sandra, Buys, Laurie, Miller, Evonne (2011) 'My grandchild has a disability': Impact on grandparenting identity, roles and relationships. Journal of Aging Studies, 25 (4), pp.355-363.
16 citations on Web of Science
22 citations on Scopus
Retrofitting commercial office buildings for sustainability: tenants' expectations and experiences
Miller, Evonne, Buys, Laurie (2011) Retrofitting commercial office buildings for sustainability: tenants' expectations and experiences. In Wamelink, J W F, Volker, L, Geraedts, R P (Eds.), MISBE 2011 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Management and Innovation for a Sustainable Built Environment, pp.1-10.
Teaching 'sustainability': vehicle or end-point?
Gray, Matthew, Brown, Richard, Miller, Evonne, Buys, Laurie, Dawes, Les (2011) Teaching 'sustainability': vehicle or end-point?. In Lee, K T, Hudson, P, Chandra, V (Eds.), Proceedings of the STEM in Education Conference: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Education Conference, pp.1-11.
Forecasting population changes and service requirements in the regions: A study of two regional councils in Queensland, Australia

Athukorala, Ppa, Sri Navarathne Sakalashilpathi, Prasad, Wilson, Clevo, Miller, Evonne, Sahama, Tony, Grace, Peter, Hefferan, Mike, Dissanayake, Premawansa, Manawadu, Oshan (2010) Forecasting population changes and service requirements in the regions: A study of two regional councils in Queensland, Australia. Economic Analysis and Policy, 40 (3), pp.327-349.
2 citations on Web of Science
2 citations on Scopus
Impacts and opportunities: Resident's view on sustainable development of tourism in regional Queensland, Australia

Miller, Evonne, van Megen, Kimberley, Buys, Laurie (2010) Impacts and opportunities: Resident's view on sustainable development of tourism in regional Queensland, Australia. Journal of Tourism Challenges and Trends, III (1), pp.9-28.
Perceptions of daylight quality delivered by light transport systems

Garcia Hansen, Veronica, Isoardi, Gillian, Miller, Evonne (2010) Perceptions of daylight quality delivered by light transport systems. In Hengstgerger, F (Ed.), Proceedings of the CIE (International Commission on Illumination) 2010 - Lighting Quality & Energy Efficiency Conference, pp.1-8.
Professional education in built environment and design [Final Report]
Savage, Susan, Davis, Rebekah, Miller, Evonne (2010) Professional education in built environment and design [Final Report]
The role of land use and psycho-social factors in high density residents' work travel mode choices: implications for sustainable transport policy
Therese, Sandrine, Buys, Laurie, Bell, Lorraine, Miller, Evonne (2010) The role of land use and psycho-social factors in high density residents' work travel mode choices: implications for sustainable transport policy. World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, 3 (1/2), pp.46-72.
8 citations on Scopus
Handbook of Research on Urban Informatics

Foth, Marcus (Ed.) (2009) Handbook of Research on Urban Informatics: The Practice and Promise of the Real-Time City. In Foth, Marcus (Ed.).
citations on Scopus