Kickstarting Youth Social Enterpreneurship in Flexi Schools

A new wave of social entrepreneurship is emerging across the world, supported by technological advancements. As the UN reports, social entrepreneurship is an ideal innovation platform “addressing the global concerns of the environment, healthcare, education, economic growth, and poverty alleviation.” The synergy between the parallel developments of recent technological and social entrepreneurship presents significant implications and opportunities in the everyday lives of many people around the world, but particularly for those who are experiencing complex economic, political, and social challenges that require imminent and substantial alleviation.

In collaboration with Youth+, a leading education provider for disenfranchised and disengaged young people in Australia, this project explores challenges and opportunities for youth social entrepreneurship that takes advantage of new kinds of sociotechnical connectedness within the context of flexible and experiential learning. As a transdisciplinary study, it uses both established and emerging methods of enquiry such as questionnaires, creative toolkits, and open community forums in order to study, engage with, and inspire possible changes that will bring meaningful and positive impact on young people through social entrepreneurship.

Funding / Grants

  • QUT Signature Project (2015 - 2016)

