Project dates: 01/05/2022 - 01/05/2025
The Architecture of Intergenerational Living and Learning Spaces research forms a component of the larger Grandschools Project and will be investigated through the architectural lens. It will utilise an architecturally-based approach that tests data findings through the rigor of site, program, infrastructure, and form-mass. The work will be underpinned by evidence-based design research and targeted towards creating values-based, sustainable, thriving intergenerational environments. The proposed spaces are intended to be sites and catalysts for intergenerational learning, innovation, production and exchange as well as for making and living. It is envisioned that the work will contribute to the planning and design of future intergenerational living and learning spaces and the knowledge applied to projects examining complex spatial relationships and challenges across Australia.
Chief Investigator
Principal Supervisor: Dr. Marissa Lindquist
Mentoring Supervisor: Prof. Robin Drogemuller
Associate Supervisor: Dr. Sara Omrani
External Supervisor: Ad. Prof. Mark Trotter
External Supervisor: Prof. Paul Sanders
This HDR project is part of a broader research project titled: ‘The GrandSchools Project’ – An Intergenerational Learning and Living Campus: A New Model for Healthy Senior Living and Integrated Schools Communities across Urban and Regional Australia. Funded by NHMRC Ideas Grant (2020-2025), Award Number: APP1187656