Senior Living Innovation: Designing for an ageing population

Senior Living Innovation

Australia’s ageing population is steadily increasing – from baby boomers through to octogenarians, advances in health care have meant that more people are living longer and consequently maintaining active ageing for this segment of the community is highly significant. This project involves collaboration between three Faculties and two Institutes at QUT, who will supply research expertise in health, design, science and engineering to our external partners whose mission is to provide assistance with lifestyle solutions for older Australians.

This project will:

  1. Through two Participatory Design workshops, identify key information and priorities that will assist older adults (and their families) who are either deciding whether to move or who have moved to a retirement village.  The participatory design workshops will focus on older adults’ day to day experiences of wayfinding and mobility, test existing apps on the market assisting older adults to identify key successful features, generate design concepts for a new app and test the usability of an early prototype; and
  2. Deliver a basic ‘personalised mobile service’ application aimed at providing information on key retirement village and local community supports such as: local transport and mobility options, health/wellness services and activities, leisure/community events, shopping location and connecting family and friends.

Funding / Grants

  • Aveo Group


  • Dr Karen Sullivan, School of Psychology, Health Faculty
  • Ms Alice Brown, Visual and Interface Designer
  • A/Prof Dian Tjondronegoro, Science and Engineering Faculty
  • Dr Tracy Washington, Science and Engineering Faculty
  • Dr Desley Vine, Institute of Future Environments
  • Mr Mehrad Gharagozloo, Developer (Mobile Innovation Lab)
