Human-centred design (HCD) framework for the design of wearable devices for home-based rehabilitation of shoulder movement.

Project dates: 03/08/2021 - 12/08/2023


In Australia, osteoarthritis of the shoulder affects 30% of individuals over the age of sixty, constituting an increasing healthcare cost for the nation. Despite the promise of numerous wearable rehabilitation devices, it is unclear how designers of assistive rehabilitation devices can effectively employ new wearable technology best to reduce patient recovery time as well as to obtain better outcomes for shoulder rehabilitation at home.


The aim of this research is to develop a HCD framework and design principles supporting the multidisciplinary experts’ development of connected-based shoulder rehabilitation wearable devices at home. Connected wearable devices through the Internet of Things (IoT) technology would facilitate clinicians (e.g., physiotherapists) to track their patients’ data and health status remotely, enabling a home-based rehabilitation healthcare model.


The HCD design framework will contribute new knowledge to the design field by reducing the gap in the knowledge of HCD tools that apply in the design of rehabilitation devices.


Chief Investigator

Yuanyuan Wei


Principal Supervisor: Prof. Marianella Chamorro-Koc

Associate Supervisor: Prof. Graham Kerr
Associate Supervisor: Prof. Chao Zhao
Associate Supervisor: A/Prof. Rafael Gomez