Doing Dis/ordered Mapping/s as Data Analysis

Project dates: 01/01/2015 - 31/12/2016

These mapping/s document an original and creative data analysis method. The doing of dis/ordered mapping/s is not about fixing lines and encounters in order to produce a map or model; on the contrary it is about analysing differing embodiments and material relations among people, things and disability. New narratives flow out through the actions of the fingers and body by doing collaborative mappings through embodiment. Narratives are of/from particular places and are mapped out through particular embodied experiences. It is through the doing of collaborative fibre mappings to analyse embodiment that I realized how much the materiality of things within two national museums in Canada pressed and pushed. Through the struggle of giving in to and following materiality, I realized that the doing of mapping/s are continual performances of making, unmaking, doing and undoing through people’s embodied abilities. The complex braiding of this research suggests a need for a more holistic exploration of inclusion in museum spaces through an embodied articulation because users are moving and performing unconsciously with their bodies at all times. Through a doing of dis/ordered mapping/s alternative ways of approaching, framing, doing and narrating interior spaces open up new knowledge processes, engagements, methodologies and methods through an embodied criticality that allows for a kind of stumbling and playing across/with new encounters. These fibre mapping/s were created to analyse two museum case studies and to move qualitative data analysis away from text based and computer based methods towards embodied and creative methods.

Funding / Grants

  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Fellowship; Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) Fellowship

Chief Investigators
