Cool and Covered – designing out skin cancer in Australia

Cool and Covered

Project dates: 01/09/2016 - 31/12/2025


Aaron Veryard captures the innovation awards for Queensland University of Technology

Cool and Covered is a world first research and practice collaboration to create better resolved approaches to sun protection with a focus on shade and apparel. It combines the disciplines of health and design to investigate how effective sun protection can be integrated where Queenslanders live, work, play and learn.

For more information, head to the website :


Baldwin, Louise, Olsen, Catherine, Gordon, Louisa, Green, Adele, Aitken, Joanne, Neale, Rachel, et al. (2019) Letter to the Editor in response to ‘When to apply sunscreen: a consensus statement for Australia and New Zealand’. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 43(5), p. 504.

Downs, Nathan, Baldwin, Louise, Parisi, Alfio, Butler, Harry, Vanos, Jennifer, Beckman, Melanie, et al. (2019) Comparing the annualised dynamic shade characteristics of twenty-one tree canopies across twenty-six municipalities in a high ambient UV climate, Queensland – Australia. Applied Geography, 108, pp. 74-82.

Baldwin, Louise (2019) Age-friendly shaded environments. In Age Friendly Community Workshop – Playing your Part – Ipswich, 2019-04-01 – 2019-04-01. (Unpublished)

Baldwin, Louise (2019) From Planning to Action : What can Local Government do to support chronic disease prevention? Brisbane, Queensland University of Technology.

Baldwin, Louise & Brough, Dean (2019) Shady Habitats: Working with the design industry and end users to create shaded, active and connected community spaces in Queensland, Australia. In 23rd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion (IUHPE 2019), 2019-04-07 – 2019-04-11. (Unpublished)

Downs, Nathan, Butler, Harry, Baldwin, Louise, Parisi, Alfio, Amar, Abdurazaq, & Vanos, Jennifer (2019) A site-specific standard for comparing dynamic solar ultraviolet protection characteristics of established tree canopies. MethodsX, 6, pp. 1683-1693.

Baldwin, Louise & Brough, Dean (2018) Shade and age-friendly outdoor spaces : A handy guide. Queensland University of Technology.

Baldwin, Louise & Brough, Dean (2017) Connecting design and health professionals for skin cancer prevention : A novel, sustainable approach in Queensland, Australia. In 9th World Congress of Melanoma: A Joint Meeting with the Society for Melanoma Research, 2017-10-18 – 2017-10-21.

Brough, Dean & Baldwin, Louise (2013) Re-think, Re-generate, Re-envisage fashionable sun-safe apparel. In Global Controversies and Advances in Skin Cancer (GC-SC 2013), 2013-11-21 – 2013-11-24. (Unpublished)

Funding / Grants

  • QUT Engagement Innovation Grant, QUT Strategic Links Grant, Advancing Queensland - An age-friendly community grants program, Northern Queensland Primary Health Network Health Promotion Grant.


  • Dean Brough, Director of Studies, Creative Industries Faculty
  • Sarah Briant, Architecture Study Area Coordinator, Creative Industries Faculty
  • Apro Mark Ryan, Associate Professor, Creative Industries Faculty
  • Dr Nathan Downs, Senior Lecturer and Solar UV Radiation Modeller, SQ


World Health Organisation Collaborative

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