Collaborative Citymaking: Activating Vernacular Forms Of Creativity For Inclusive Innovation Ecosystems In Regional Cities

Project dates: 23/02/2022 - 23/03/2025


The outcomes of this research project will provide policymakers, industry, intermediaries, and communities, knowledge for how to understand and activate inclusive, creative, and collaborative, innovation ecosystems in regional cities, so that more people can create and innovate more often, and more diverse ideas can be implemented sooner. The aim is to produce valuable outcomes for society, the economy, and the environment, in our rapidly changing and increasingly complex world.


Chief Investigator

Michael Bromage


Principal Supervisor: Professor Marcus Foth
Associate Supervisor: Professor Greg Hearn
Associate Supervisor: Dr Kim Osman


This HDR research project is part of a large research project titled: “Advancing digital inclusion in low income Australian families” hosted by the Digital Media Research Centre, and funded by the ARC Linkage grant (LP190100677)  (2021-2024).