Filter by category:Current Carpentaria Collectives Sit and Shower Project Re-examining TEIs using provocations MY FLOW: Menstrual cYcle Femtech for eLite athlete performance Optimisation through Wearable technology Meaningful Play The Art of Co-Design: Developing an Evidence-based Co-design Framework & Toolkit Developing an Organisation-wide Co-design Strategy for Health Solutions Improving Social Inclusion Pathways for Low-Income Families in Townsville through Place-Based Creative Collaborations Training Centre for Automated Vehicles in Rural and Remote Regions Healthcare in prisons: Exploring the impact of changing how prisoners access unscheduled ‘over the counter’ medications of paracetamol and ibuprofen Consumer Co-Design for Young People with Eating Disorders Creating healing environments in hospitals: The role of lighting design Threatened Australians CRC-P | Designed-led advanced manufacturing of smart orthotics for remote Australia The impact of urban vertical schools on students’ capability and wellbeing The Evolution of Disability Arts in Australia Amplifying Voices from the Royal Commission into Aged Care BMW Group + QUT Design Academy HEAL : Healthcare Excellence AcceLerator An Inter-generational Learning and Living Campus: A New Model for Healthy Senior Living and Integrated School Communities across Urban and Regional Australia Framing and Enabling Children’s Active Play using Novel Technology Self Efficacy in Health Tech design Designing and evaluation of the TeachConnect platform VIBRANTe: Wearable Technologies for Parkinson's Disease Patients and Health Professionals Share content via social media facebook twitter linkedin email