25 August, 2020 • QUT C4J "Lightning Talks" Series ➤ Place, Space and Justice, Dr Janice Rieger

Design Lab CI Dr Janice Reiger is presenting “Mapping Spacial Justice & Ableism” at the QUT C4J “Lightning Talks” Series – Place, Space and Justice on Tuesday, 25 August, 2020 between 1:00pm and 2:00pm.

What is a lightning talk?

 Lightning Talks are a series of short presentations from different speakers around a single topic, with each introducing a topic or idea very quickly. Lightning Talks are a way to share information about diverse topics from several different perspectives.  Lightning talks are ideal for research and are also great for stimulating collaboration.

Our upcoming topic is “Place, Space and Justice”.

Our Panel:

  Dr Michael Chataway, School of Justice

Contexts of offences against healthcare works, including the use of technology to better understand their prevalence in the workplace

Frontline healthcare workers, such as paramedics, emergency nurses and doctors provide vital services to our communities.  However, the daily lives of these healthcare professionals are becoming increasingly affected by discriminatory attitudes and harassment by the general public.  For example, in Victoria alone, it is estimated that up to 95% of healthcare workers have experienced verbal or physical assault, with women accounting for a significant proportion of these cases (WorkSafe Victoria, 2020).  In this talk, I will discuss how researchers can begin to understand the contexts in which these offences occur against healthcare workers, and how technology may be used as a tool to better understand the prevalence of these incidents in the workplace and the impacts they may have on occupational stress, functioning, and the health system more generally.


      Dr Bridget Harris, School of Justice

Landscapes of Violence: Place, Space and Spacelessness

My work explores violence and spatiality so, I consider how place (fixed geographic locations) space (ideological and physical features of areas) and spacelessness (technology) transform experiences of and responses to gender-based violence. This involves an interdisciplinary approach, drawing on the fields of cultural geography, criminology, socio-legal and gender studies. Recent projects have considered how, in regional, rural and remote areas, perpetrators have used digital channels to enact harm; victim/survivors to seek support, assistance and respond to violence; and advocates and practitioners in regulation and prevention efforts and to protect and empower those subjected to violence.


       Professor Amanda Kennedy, School of Law

The notion of place in governing the energy-environment nexus, and specifically the ways in which the regulatory frameworks for energy development assessment engage with complex place-based concerns. While social impact assessment is now commonplace in environmental planning processes, the opportunity to properly articulate and negotiate place-based values in energy development decision-making is arguably still limited, and obscures the deeper sense of place invested in particular landscapes. I am interested in how ‘place’ may be better incorporated into energy-environment decision-making in ways that are intentional and effective.


Dr Janice Rieger, School of Design

Mapping Spatial Justice and Ableism 

Spatial justice; what does it look like, feel like, sound like? Is it a space, an object, a policy or an attitude, and is it inclusive of non-human actors? My research creates inclusion and spatial justice through mapping ableist systems and then designing interventions to disrupt these systems through things like films, houses, exhibitions, soundscapes and technologies. My work reframes spatial justice theories through ableism by creating new methods and methodological approaches for example, doing dis/ordered mapping/s, and dialoguing while wandering.


        Professor John Scott,  School of Justice

In recent years ‘rural criminology’ has grown in popularity internationally. I argue that it may be better to consider criminologies of remote places with reference to islands. Islands offer an opportunity to re-examine fundamental concepts for understanding crime and regulation, especially how social integration and exclusion are practised in the often closed and bounded networks of island ecologies.



         Dr Lisa Stafford, School of Public Health and Social Work

As a social scientist, social planner and human geographer my work is grounded in people and place with a specific passion for building Inclusive Sustainable Communities for all. I work at both the system and local levels and use inclusive participatory research and community engagement methods to expose and disrupt systemic forms of injustices playing out in everyday lives – particularly in the lives of children and young people with disabilities, and in regional areas. My work is an integration of personal, professional and political practice that engages with intersections between person-environment; temporal-social-spatial; sense of place and belonging; alongside critical theories of spatial justice, critical disability studies, ableism and body-space politics.



1.00pm-1.05pm                Welcome and Introduction                          Professor Melissa Bull, Director, QUT Centre for Justice

1.05pm-1.35pm                Panel Presentations                                       5 minute presentation from each researcher on their ‘mode of violence’

1.35pm-2.00pm                Questions and Discussion                             Questions or comments from the audience

2.00pm                               Close



Location: https://qut.zoom.us/j/93100578349
Start Date: 25/08/2020 [add to calendar]
Start Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

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