GDTA Spotlight with QUT Design Lab: Designers in Healthcare: How co-design and design thinking gives agency to clinicians and voice to marginalized consumers

GDTA Spotlight with QUT Design Lab: Designers in Healthcare: How co-design and design thinking gives agency to clinicians and voice to marginalized consumers

The next online session will take place on February 21st, 2023, at 9:00 am (CET) / 6:00 pm (AEST) via Zoom. We look forward to welcoming our speakers Evonne Miller, Professor of Design Psychology at Queensland University of Technology, and Jeremy Kerr, Academic and Researcher at Queensland University of Technology.

In this presentation, researchers from the QUT Design Lab at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) will share their experiences integrating co-design and design thinking into healthcare and hospital systems in Queensland, Australia.

Evonne will adress the origins and impact of HEAL – the Healthcare Excellence AcceLerator. Funded by Queensland Health, HEAL connects clinicians and consumers with designers, who work together to use design approaches to transform thinking, spaces, places, processes and products, and positively transform healthcare.

Jeremy will present a series of co-design collaborations across the health sector, which range from working with young people who have experienced severe trauma to developing resources for health professionals who are seeking to co-create service innovation with consumer.

This button will lead you directly to the Zoom session on February 21st.  Registration is not necessary.


About the speakers

Evonne Miller is Professor of Design Psychology at Queensland University of Technology, Director of the QUT Design Lab, and Chair of the Queensland Division of Australian Association of Gerontology. Her research centers on design for health and aged care, co-designing creative health-promoting interventions. She is currently leading a Facebook-funded project to put virtual reality into aged care and is co-Director of HEAL, the Healthcare Excellence AcceLerator. Evonne is passionate about how we might improve and re-design health and aged care for the future, drawing on design methods to engage, educate and facilitate change. Evonne has also authored/co-authored/edited several books.



Jeremy Kerr is an academic and researcher in the School of Design at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). His research focus is the exploration and development of design and design frameworks to advance community capacity building and self-advocacy. He has worked extensively with community and government organizations and with health services in the areas of mental health and well-being, informal and formal education, children’s health, intercultural communication, and with the disability sector. His work has involved leading co-design collaborations for projects with Bravehearts, the Autism CRC, the Woolworths Centre for Childhood Nutrition Research, CARE International, Education Queensland, and Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service (CHQ).


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Start Date: 21/02/2023 [add to calendar]
Start Time: 6.00pm AEST
Organiser: Global Design Thinking Alliance

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