5.4.23. In Full Bloom: Dr Jeremy Kerr discusses eating disorders

In Full Bloom: Apple Podcast with Dr Jeremy Kerr

Listen to In Full Bloom on Spotify. Join Tia and Bella as they discuss their lived experience in recovering from an eating disorder with our host Jeremy Kerr. This podcast has been created by young people for young people to offer peer advice and answer some of the most commonly asked questions about eating disorders. It will also help anyone who wants to better understand the perspectives of teenagers in recovery from an eating disorder.

Who to contact for help and more information about eating disorders?

In Queensland, contact the Children’s Health Queensland Eating Disorders Program on (07) 3397 9077 or eatingdisordersqueensland.org.au Across Australia, contact The Butterfly Foundation on 1800 334 673 or butterfly.org.au If you are a young person and have questions or concerns about anything discussed in this podcast, please speak to a trusted adult.

In Full Bloom is produced by Children’s Health Queensland and the Queensland University of Technology.

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