Connecting rehab services across West Moreton • Ipswich & Boonah Hospitals ➤ Health Health Excellence AcceLerator

On 7 June, Professor Evonne Miller, Dr Abbe Winter, and HDR Interns Jessica Cheers and Zoe Ryan from the QUT Design Lab went out to Ipswich Hospital to install an exhibition as the culmination of a six-month project into improving the rehabilitation experience across the West Moreton Hospital and Health Service. Following a co-design workshop with staff and customers of the rehabilitation process facilitated by Professor Evonne Miller and HDR Intern Sarah Johnstone, staff and patients were invited to take photographs and describe various aspects of their rehab journey. All of these resources were used to create the exhibition, which is showing outside Ward 6B (Rehabilitation) at Ipswich Hospital and is also on display at Boonah Hospital.

To see the exhibition, as well as two short videos produced for the project by videographer Sam Rami, see the project website here:

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