QUT Design Lab presents a seminar by Dr Ian Weir.
In Australia alone, over 800 people have died in bushfires in the last 100 years. Most people die in or very close to their homes. With a warming climate and increased development in bushland interface areas around the world, many more people will die in bushfires unless we address the most critical issue – the design of homes. Borrowing from indigenous leader Noel Pearson’s provocation of the Radical Centre, Dr Weir argues that meaningful design innovation cannot be achieved by merely seeking to balance vegetation clearing and building resilience. Dr Weir presents his case study architectural projects – built and in-progress – to demonstrate how innovation can be instigated by instead working from within an area of conflict outwards. He will discuss how these projects have been realised via new performance-based provisions in the National Construction Code.
Monday 6 November, 1-2pm
Gardens Point campus, J Block, Room 214