Embracing the Design Lab mission of Change by Design, the Inaugural Design Lab HDR Symposium will provide an important opportunity for HDR students to share their research. Twenty students at varying stages of their course will present their research process and findings (where appropriate). Time for comments and questions will enable students to learn from other researchers in the room, reflect on their own research, and expand their thinking.
The event will kick off at 9:00am and will be followed by a presentation by Kathy Charmaz and Roxanne Bainbridge at 3:00pm in The Hall, Z2 Building. You will need to register separately for this event HERE.
Attendees are also invited to drinks and a photo exhibition at 5:00pm, level 1 foyer of Z9 Building. You will need to register separately for this event HERE.
Morning tea will be provided; BYO lunch. Come and learn about all the exciting research happening in the Design Lab HDR space!