The QUT Design Lab in association with the People & Systems Lab invite you to a guest seminar:
Storming the Body: Practices for Enacted Embodied Pretotypes
Dr Brian Lystgaard Due
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen, DenmarkFriday, 10 February 2017, 3 – 4pm
QUT Design Lab, Gardens Point campus, J Block, Room J214 (map)
Within studies of design, innovation and creativity interactionist research has, roughly speaking, provided knowledge about A) peoples everyday creative practices (e.g. architects (Mondada, 2012) or knowledge workers (Due, 2016)); B) creative or design workshops (e.g. Heinemann, Landgrebe, & Matthews, 2012; Landgrebe & Heinemann, 2014) and C) working with testing prototypes in the wild (e.g. Buur & Soendergaard, 2000). However, the dots need to be connected. This presentation will shortly outline the dot-connecting process of 1) collecting video data, 2) constructing findings, 3) translating findings into designed embodied pretotypes, (i.e. participants doing things with their bodies and objects) and 4) enacting the embodied pretotypes in semi-experimentel settings. The presentation will then pay more attention to three different phases when working with embodied prototyping in the wild: Embodied practices of i) designing, ii) enacting and iii) situated learning. The presentation is building on four different projects conducted during the last seven years, and data from three of the projects will be showed. Examples include i) designing new procedures for interactional practices together with employees in workshops; ii) enacting future technology scenarios using mockups in optician shops and iii) learning on the site when testing a Google Tango prototype for blind navigation. In all three cases the prototypes are based on thorough EMCA analysis of video recordings which then is designed to storm the bodies of the participants as they enact the prototypes.
About Brian:
Brian Due, PhD, is Assistant Professor at University of Copenhagen, Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics. He has studied social practices and innovation processes and he has conducted video ethnographic fieldwork in many different Danish organizations. Find out more about Brian >
Buur, J., & Soendergaard, A. (2000). Video Card Game: An Augmented Environment for User Centred Design Discussions. In Proceedings of DARE 2000 on Designing Augmented Reality Environments (pp. 63–69). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Due, B. L. (2016). Co-constructed imagination space: a multimodal analysis of the interactional accomplishment of imagination during idea-development meetings. CoDesign, 0(0), 1–17.
Heinemann, T., Landgrebe, J., & Matthews, B. (2012). Collaborating to restrict: a conversation analytic perspective on collaboration in design. CoDesign, 8(4), 200–214.
Landgrebe, J., & Heinemann, T. (2014). Mapping the Epistemic Landscape in Innovation Workshops. Pragmatics and Society, 5(2), 191–220.
Mondada, L. (2012). Video analysis and the temporality of inscriptions within social interaction: the case of architects at work. Qualitative Research, 12(3), 304–333.
Date | Friday, 10 February 2017, 3 – 4pm AEST |
Location | QUT Design Lab, Gardens Point campus, J Block, Room J214 |
Cost | Free |
Organisation | QUT Design Lab |
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