Wilma Molus is currently undertaking PhD studies in the Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice. She graduated with a Bachelor in Education from the University of Goroka and Masters in Communication Studies from the Papua New Guinea University of Technology. Prior to taking up doctoral studies at QUT, she was teaching English for Academic Purposes, Communication and Development Courses at the Papua New Guinea University of Technology. Wilma’s professional academic experience comes from years of teaching at universities in Papua New Guinea as well as being a development practitioner in PNG with some of her work featuring social issues in in Papua New Guinea
Wilma’s research project focuses on exploring community strategies for safety and resilience in urban informal settlements in PNG with a focus on markets. Her project employs focus groups and arts-based research methods to explore the voices and perspectives of market vendors. The projects seeks to contribute to increasing understandings of local strategies within market spaces and to inform policy development in the urban setting in PNG.