Dr Juliana Mclaughlin

    Publications by year

    Senior Lecturer, Creative Industries

    PhD (QUT)

    Juliana McLaughlin (PhD) is a Senior Lecturer in the Academic Programs in Creative Industries Faculty at Queensland University of Technology, where she teaches critical Indigenous Studies, culture studies and education, decolonising methodologies, research ethics and protocols of engagement. She has supervised international and domestic doctoral candidates to completion while also leading research and teaching projects.  Her scholarship is informed by postcolonial and critical race theories and is driven by her passion for decolonising research and education, rethinking social justice agendas and equity, international and development education.

    She has published journal articles in Compare, Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, and International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives. Her book chapters are published by SAGE, Sense, Emerald, Springer, Pearson and Nova Science publishers. She is a past president of the Australian New Zealand Comparative and International Education Society (ANZCIES), currently Oceania (OCIES). Juliana is from Manus Island, PNG.