Deanna Borland-Sentinella is a Brisbane based Applied Theatre practitioner who has studied and worked in the field as a global citizen across the UK, South America and South-East Asia. Deanna loves learning about people through using Applied Theatre as research, as well as learning more about the form itself through adapting tools and techniques to respond to the needs and desires of workshop stakeholders. Deanna has used Applied Theatre to support communities from a range of backgrounds, including diverse linguistic and cultural communities, children and young people, incarcerated populations and people with disabilities, to express what’s important to them through embodied, creative practice. Whilst being driven by a social justice life mission, Deanna has also dabbled in how to ethically engage business in the training and development potential of Applied Theatre’s methodology. In the past Deanna has worked for or with, Brisbane City Council, State Library of Queensland, ACER Brasil, Offender Development through Drama and run professional development trainings for organisations such as QCAN (Qld Children’s Activities Network). Deanna is artistic director of D:create and an active part of Praxis Community Coop