Rotary International Peace Building workshop (2020)

Umba Peter – Human Rights Defender and Advocate, Banana Block, Goroka province, PNG

Using Drama in Peace Building: A Contextual Approach to Understanding Gender Based Violence.

The arts have been applied throughout the world to provide alternative pathways to engage with and
understand communities affected by various challenges. The arts provide us with strategies for collective
reflection, sharing understandings, and providing safe spaces for discussions between groups. In my work I
collaborate with community partners in Papua New Guinea (PNG) using the arts to address social challenges.
One of these projects engages drama processes and storytelling to understand social, cultural and structural
inequalities that exacerbate violence towards women.

This workshop will draw from work around Gender Based Violence in PNG. It will introduce participants to
drama tools and techniques, exploring their interactive and exploratory potential to engage participants in
discussions. We will also discuss how knowledge and reflections emanating from these processes can be used
to inform and strengthen programs. These tools are transferable, and participants can use them in their own
work and within their contexts. I will be co-facilitating the workshop with my colleague Verena Thomas who
is a documentary filmmaker and applied arts-based researcher working in Australia and the Pacific.
Umba Peter – Human Rights Defender and Advocate, Banana Block, Goroka province, PNG

For an example projects, please see:

Yumi Sanap Strong, an action research project and initiative to develop communication strategies to
addressing sorcery accusation related violence in PNG, working with four community-based organisations
and over 40 human rights defenders.

Communicating the Law (2018), a toolkit developed in partnership with Oxfam and the Highlands Human
Rights Defenders Network in PNG, to provide participatory tools for human rights defenders to communicate
legal information to communities. The modules developed are around human rights, GBV, children’s’ right and
sorcery accusation related violence.


Dr Jackie Kauli

Associate Professor Verena Thomas

Location: Online
Start Date: 22/08/2020
Start Time: 4.30pm
End Date: 22/08/2020
End Time: 6.00pm
Cost: Free
Organiser: Rotary International Peace

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