PhD (Queensland University of Technology), BHlthSc (Public Health) (Hons 1st Class) (Queensland University of Technology)
Dr Shirley Chambers is a Research Fellow in Cancer & Palliative Care Outcomes Centre, School of Nursing, Centre for Healthcare Transformation, Faculty of Health at QUT. Since being awarded her PhD in 2005 Shirley has worked in the field of palliative care research and education, particularly in relation to health service delivery. Shirley’s research has primarily focused on the experiences and/or health service utilisation of patients who have a life limiting illness and their carers. As such, Dr Chambers led two longitudinal studies tracking advanced cancer patients’ use of health services toward the end of life, by collecting data from various health administrative datasets and via patient held diaries, while also capturing patients’ and carers’ experiences. Shirley has also led a similar study with a cohort of non-malignant patients; those with Stage 3-5 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Her current research interests lies in assisting patients with life limiting illness, and their informal carers (e.g., family members), to make well informed end-of-life treatment decisions. Worthy of note, Shirley has managed two projects to scope and map the quantum of palliative care service delivery within Queensland. Dr Chambers is beginning to work within the aged care sector as lead for a Rapid Review related to identifying the clinical indicators of deterioration of residents of aged care facilities. Project Highlights:- Current: An early warning system of acute deterioration in residential aged care - Rapid Review Lead (Nursing and Midwifery Research Fellowship - Round 6)
- Current: What factors influence consumers’ end-of-life treatment decision-making? A systematic review. (NHMRC CRE ELC)
- 2014 - 2017: Achieving needs based end-of-life services: A prospective, longitudinal study of pathways for patients with Stage 3-5 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). (NHMRC CRE ELC)
- 2011 - 2013: Achieving needs-based end-of-life services: A prospective, longitudinal study of pathways for advanced cancer patients. (Cancer Council Queensland)
- 2009 - 2010: Achieving needs-based end-of-life services: A prospective, longitudinal study of pathways for advanced cancer patients. A pilot study. (QUT IHBI Early Career Researcher Scheme)
- 2018-2019: Palliative Care Services Review: Commissioned External Literature Review (Queensland Government Department of Health)
- 2010 - 2011: Scoping of Palliative Care Services in Queensland. (Queensland Health, Competitive Tender)
- 2007 - 2008: Central Area Health Service (CAHS) Specialist Palliative Care Service Mapping and Scoping Project. (Central Area Health Service (CAHS) Cancer Care Network)
- 2003: Qualitative Evaluation of the Advanced Breast Cancer Support Group. (West End, Brisbane, Advanced Breast Cancer Support Group)
Projects (Chief investigator)
- Achieving needs-based end-of-life services: A prospective, longitudinal study of pathways for advanced cancer patients. A pilot study.
- Enablers, barriers and usability of the eSPICT tool in a community setting: an exploratory study
- Optimising Outcomes and reducing health inequities for heart failure patients in their last year of life in Queensland
- Palliative Care Services Review
- Scoping of Palliative Care Services in Queensland Project
- Strategies for promoting interorganisational linkages between aged, primary and palliative care: a systematic literature review
- The general public’s perceptions (awareness, attitudes, experiences, and expectations) of advance care planning (ACP) in the Asia-Pacific: a systematic review
Additional information
- A Social Network Approach to Interprofessional End-of-life Care Communicationin Intensive Care
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Carol Windsor, Professor Theresa Green
- Contributing Factors to Health-Related Quality of Life in People with Chronic Kidney Disease in Sri Lanka (2021)
- Exploring Health Service and Supportive Care Needs of Women with Advanced Breast Cancer in Ghana (2021)
- Identifying Risk of Deteriorating and Dying in People with a Haematological Malignancy (2018)
- The Transition to Palliative Care: A Critical Exploration in the Context of Metastatic Melanoma (2015)