Transforming clinical care and health systems
Our palliative care experts conduct research that contributes to quality palliative and end of life care.
- Health services innovation and interventions.
- Workforce development, innovation and implementation.
- Clinical interventions.
We have a reputation for impactful achievements built with our strong culture of research excellence and proven approaches:
- Practical and meaningful research that influences Australian and international clinical practice.
- Collaboration with clinicians and governments.
- Research that is supported by significant competitive grants and industry contributions.
Our research provides the evidence base to improve palliative and end of life care.
We deliver programs for undergraduate students and continuing professional education.
Our people actively advocate for quality end of life care with government and health service organisations.
Our people hold leadership positions within inpatient and practitioner peak bodies, including Palliative Care Australia and the International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care.
Research areas
Palliative Care Curriculum for Undergraduates
Palliative Care Curriculum for Undergraduates (PPC4U) promotes the inclusion of palliative care education as an integral part of all medical, nursing, and allied health undergraduate and entry to practice training, and ongoing professional development.
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Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach (PEPA) is a national strategic program for educating and training the healthcare workforce. IPEPA provides culturally-responsive care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
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End of Life Directions for Aged Care (ELDAC) provides information, guidance, and resources for health professionals and aged care workers to support palliative care and advance care planning.
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Centre of Research Excellence in End of Life Care (CRE-ELC) generated knowledge and strategies to promote high-quality and sustainable health care services for all Australians at the end of life. (Past research area)
Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration
Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration (PCOC) works to improve palliative care patient and carer outcomes. Central to the PCOC program is a framework and protocol for routine clinical assessment and response.
Visit PCOCOther Palliative Care Projects
Our research is conducted by leading experts to improve outcomes for people with chronic care needs and those transitioning into palliative care.
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