Australian Research Priorities in Childhood Cancer- A Priority Setting Partnership

Cancer during childhood and adolescence places a significant burden on the person with cancer, their family, the health system, and the economy. Childhood cancer differs greatly from cancers in adulthood given this age groups’ unique physical, psychological, and social responses to these life-threatening diagnoses. Identification of research uncertainties; something that individuals are uncertain about, that has been reframed as a researchable question, is pivotal to establish an effective research agenda. The aim of the Priority Setting Partnership is to identify the most important areas of research to focus on, to agree on which of these are the most important, and finally to promote these to relevant funding bodies, researchers, and governments as priority areas to address. Expected outcomes are a list of the top 10 research priorities as identified by consumers and clinicians.

Funding / Grants

  • QUT internal funding

Chief Investigators


Other Team Members

  • Gayani De Silva (Chief Investigator)
  • Eden Roberston (Chief Investigator)