This project will break new ground in making nanostructured morphologies programmable by light in the solid state, while concomitantly observing the light-induced rearrangement of the constituting polymer chains at the single chain level.
Such changes will effectively allow to remote control polymer surface characteristics remotely. Critically, these in situ changes will be mapped by a new double aberration-corrected, 30-200 kV acceleration voltage, high-resolution transmission electron microscope (TEM) JEM-ARM200F NEOARM, equipped with a pulsed electron gun and a finely controlled optical holder, allowing the precise positioning of light in TEM between various wavelengths of 400-2200 nm.
Soft matter
Condensed matter
Predictive materials modelling
Postdoctoral research fellows
- Thiago Guimaraes
- Jochen Kammerer
PhD student
Linh Duy Thai
Overseas collaborator
- Dr. Hatice Mutlu – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)