Dr Konstantin Faershteyn

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Centre Representative | Ion Beam Laboratory Coordinator

Role in the Centre

As a researcher within QUT’s Centre for Materials Science, Konstantin is studying mechanical properties of 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) and 2D transition metal carbides and nitrides (MXenes), as well as nanohybrids based on these materials. The uncovering of mechanical properties of these materials and interface boundaries for their nanohybrids can fill significant knowledge gaps in the field of 2D nanomaterials, which is essential for their reliable utilisation in emerging micro- or nanodevices. Moreover, Konstantin is developing CVD routes for the synthesis of 2D transition metal carbides and nitrides, and other novel 2D materials. Konstantin professionally uses scanning and transmission electron microscopy (including in situ microscopy techniques) for fine structural and chemical analysis of nanomaterials, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy for surface analysis, and focused ion beam instruments for sample preparation and in situ testing.

Short Biography

Konstantin received his PhD degree in materials science in 2017 at the National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”. His PhD project was focused on the synthesis of hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) nanostructures and their application for fabricating Al-based metal matrix composites.

After finishing his PhD, Konstantin became a staff member in Prof. Golberg’s group at Queensland University of Technology. His main research topics are the synthesis of novel 2D nanomaterials, the study of mechanical properties of nanomaterials and nanocomposites via in situ TEM techniques, and the study of catalytic activity of various nanohybrids.

Konstantin is also a part of teaching teams for the units PVB301 “Materials and Thermal Physics” and PVB321 “Introduction to Experimental Nanotechnology”. His key skills and competences include scanning and transmission electron microscopy, nanomaterials synthesis, and mechanical properties of nanomaterials.

Selected Publications

“Crystallography-derived Young’s modulus and ultimate tensile strength of AlN nanowires as revealed by in situ transmission electron microscopy” Faerestein, K.L.; Kvashnin, D.G.; Fernando, J.F.S.; Zhang, C.; Sorokin, P.B.; Golberg, D. Nano Lett. 2019, 19(3), 2084–2091.

“Al-BN interaction in a high-strength lightweight Al/BN metal matrix-composite: theoretical modeling and experimental verification” Kvashnin, D.G; Faerestein, K.L.; Popov, Z.; Corthay, S.; Sorokin, P.B.; Golberg, D.; Shtansky, D.V. J. Alloys & Comp. 2019, 782, 875-880.

“Compressive properties of hollow BN nanoparticles: theoretical modeling and testing in a high-resolution transmission electron microscope” Faerestein, K.L.; Kvashnin, D.G.; Kovalskii, A.M.; Sorokin, P.B.; Golberg, D.; Shtansky, D.V. Nanoscale 2018, 10, 8099-8105.

“Fabrication and application of BN nanoparticles, nanosheets and their nanohybrids” Shtansky, D.V.; Faerestein, K.L.; Golberg, D. Nanoscale 2018, 10, 17477-17493.

“BN/Ag nanohybrids with petal-like BN surface as promising catalysts and antibacterial agents” Faerestein, K.L.; Steinman, A.E.; Leybo, D.V.; Kovalskii, A.M.; Matveev, A.T.; Manakhov, A.; Sukhorukova, I.V.; Slukin, O,V.; Fursova, N.K.; Ignatov, S.G.; Golberg, D.; Shtansky, D.V. Beilstein. J. Nanotech. 2018, 9, 250-261.