Seminars 2022

Date Speaker Seminar Title Institution
22-Feb Prof. Baohua Jia Graphene metamaterials and functional devices RMIT University
25-Feb Dr. Andrew Clulow BioSAXS – The Future of Solution Scattering at the Australian Synchrotron ANSTO
18-Mar Dr Cheng Zhang The Importance of Controlled Structures in Polymer Science University of Queensland
1-Apr Prof. Jun Huang Nanoscale characterization of catalysts for sustainable chemical process University if Sydney
8-Apr  Prof Steve Castle New Strategies for the Synthesis of Unusual Peptides and Alkaloids Brigham Young University (USA)
27-Apr Dr Munkhbayar Batmunk Exploring 2D materials in emerging solar cells Griffith University
6-May Dr Yu Heng Lau Synthetic control of peptide and protein architectures University of Sydney
20-May Dr. Lars Goerigk Tackling valence excitation energies with time-dependant DFT. The University of Melbourne
2-Jun A/Prof. Markus Muellner Controlling macromolecular architecture: polymer rings, disks, bottlebrushes. University of Sydney
3-Jun Prof. Xiwang Zhang  Tailoring membrane nanochannels for enhanced separation University of Queensland
17-Jun Dr. Semonti Bhattacharji, Monash Suppressing remote optical phonon scattering in graphene below room temperature Monash University
5-Jul Prof Zijian Zheng Porous conductive textiles for wearable electronics The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (China)
6-Jul Prof. Michael James What’s brilliant and bright at the Australian synchrotron Australian Synchrotron
15-Jul A/Prof. Alex Bissember Improving the understanding and synthetic scope of catalytically-active transition metal complexes University of Tasmania
20-Jul Prof. Yuling Wang A new nanostrategy for liquid biopsy analysis towards cancer diagnosis Macquarie University
29-Jul A/Prof. Ivan Kassal/USyd Simulating chemistry on quantum computers University of Sydney
5-Aug Dr. Tania Benedetti Electrochemistry in nanoconfinement Griffith University
16-Aug Dr. Hoang-Phuong Phan Engineering nanomembrane semiconductors for long-lived bioimplanted electronics University of New South Wales
19-Aug Prof. Alex Shvartsburg High-definition differential ion mobility spectrometry for proteomics, metabolomics Wichita State University (USA)
26-Aug Prof. Ana Akrap Landau level spectroscopy: a window into topological semimetals University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
2-Sep A/Prof. Zhenghua (Jacky) Zhang Construction, performance and mechanism of membrane-based nanoconfinement catalysis for water purification Tsinghua University
9-Sep Dr. Maykel Manawan Visualizing/Assessing ion-conduction pathway in Powder Diffraction Data Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia
16-Sep Prof Nandini Trivedi Quantum materials meet quantum information The Ohio State University (USA)
21-Sep Dr Rosalie Hocking Catalysis in situ – is the nature of the active site always the right question to ask? Swinburne University of Technology
30-Sep Dr Qi Peggy Zhang, UNSW Stability of ferroelectric bubble domains The University of New South Wales
7-Oct Prof. Kourosh Kalantar Zadeh Nanoliquid metals in bio applications and catalysis The University of New South Wales
14-Oct Dr Dan Luo Trial and exploration – robotic fabrication from lab to site University of Queensland
20-Oct Prof. Chris McNeill Resonant tender x-ray diffraction of semiconducting p0olymers Monash University
21-Oct A/Prof. Weena Lokuge Innovative materials for civil engineering applications University of Southern Queensland
28-Oct Prof. (Tracy) Dong Ruan Mechanical performance of 3D printed auxetics Swinburne University of Technology
11-Nov Dr Nasim Amiralian Nanocellulose derived sustainable materials University of Queensland
15-Nov Prof Feng Jiao Electrochemical systems for carbon dioxide utilization University of Delaware (USA)
25-Nov A/Prof. Yuning Hong Development of chemical probes for monitoring proteome changes in cells La Trobe University
1-Dec Dr. Amandeep Kaur Fluorescent approaches for nanoscale imaging of amyloids Monash University
6-Dec Prof. Michelle L. Coote Electrochemical and electrostatic catalysis of chemicals reactions Flinders University
8-Dec Geraldine Hay How to publish with Impact Royal Society of Chemistry
15-Dec Prof. Dr. Brigitte Voit Responsive polymeric nano-capsules and multicomp[artments as cellular mimics Leibniz-Institut fur Polymerforschung Dresden (Germany)