ARC Linkage Project Sucess: Centre Researchers share in $1,066,740 funding.

Congratulations to several of our Centre researchers, who have been succesful in securing funding under the Australian Research Council Linkage Project scheme.

Professor Zhigang Chen, Dr Xiaolei Shi and collaborators
Project:Weavable thermoelectric textile for body heat management
Partner: Wooltech Group Pty Ltd
Funding: $590,550.00

Professor Hongxia Wang, Professor Chen Yang and collaborators
Project: Low-Cost Carbon Materials from Agricultural Biomass for Battery Anodes.
Partner: Upala Pty Ltd
Funding: $476,190.00

These innovative projects represent significant advancements in their respective fields and measurable impact across relevant industry users – energy, mining and construction – improving the safety of beneficiaries and contributing to accelerating sustainability in manufacturing.

Congratulations again to these brilliant minds for their well-deserved success. Watch this space!🌟

Full list of recipients and collaborators here.