Professor Hongxia Wang, Georgina Sweet ARC Laureate 2024!

Centre investigator, Professor Hongxia Wang has been awarded a prestigious $3,023,860 ARC Australian Laureate Fellowship for her groundbreaking project aimed at enhancing the durability of next-generation perovskite-based solar cells through molecular engineering. Titled “Molecular engineering and doping for efficient and affordable solar cells,” the research seeks to revolutionize the production of perovskite solar cells, making them a viable replacement for current high-cost, precious metal-based conductor materials. Utilising low-cost coating technologies, these new solar cells exhibit remarkable power-conversion efficiencies.

Named the 2024 Georgina Sweet ARC Laureate, Professor Wang is recognized as an outstanding Australian Laureate Fellow in the science and technology discipline. Her fellowship will not only advance the development of affordable, high-quality, and long-lasting solar cells but also position Australia to leverage its natural advantage in solar energy, creating skilled jobs and valuable export opportunities. Through the Georgina Sweet Fellowship, Professor Wang will support Higher Degree by Research students, early-career researchers, and mid-career researchers, with a particular focus on women and systematically disadvantaged groups. Her efforts will span multidisciplinary areas such as chemistry, materials science, and physics, aiming to develop cost-effective energy materials and devices to address global energy challenges.

What an incredible achievement, Hongxia!

Read full QUT article here