Our world-renowned researchers and use novel culture-independent molecular approaches and bioinformatics tools to answer important questions about the role of microbial communities in human and environmental health.
Research Programs
Recent Publications
The faecal microbiota is distinct in HLA-B27+ ankylosing spondylitis patients versus HLA-B27+ healthy controls

M.L. Stoll, H. Sawhney, P.M. Wells, P.R. Sternes, J.D. Reveille, C.D. Morrow, C.J. Steves, M.A. Brown, L.S. Gensler (2022) The faecal microbiota is distinct in HLA-B27+ ankylosing spondylitis patients versus HLA-B27+ healthy controls. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology.
Chemotaxis may assist marine heterotrophic bacterial diazotrophs to find microzones suitable for N2 fixation in the pelagic ocean

Hallstrøm, Søren, Raina, Jean-Baptiste, Ostrowski, Martin, Parks, Donovan H., Tyson, Gene W., Hugenholtz, Philip, Stocker, Roman, Seymour, Justin R., Riemann, Lasse (2022) Chemotaxis may assist marine heterotrophic bacterial diazotrophs to find microzones suitable for N2 fixation in the pelagic ocean. ISME Journal, 16 (11), pp.2525-2534.
3 citations on Web of Science
1 citations on Scopus
Anaerobic oxidation of propane coupled to nitrate reduction by a lineage within the class Symbiobacteriia
Wu, Mengxiong, Li, Jie, Leu, Andy, Erler, Dirk, Stark, Terra, Tyson, Gene, Yuan, Zhiguo, McIlroy, Simon, Guo, Jianhua (2022) Anaerobic oxidation of propane coupled to nitrate reduction by a lineage within the class Symbiobacteriia. Nature Communications, 13 (1), pp.Article number: 6115.
citations on Web of Science
citations on Scopus
Anaerobic methanotroph ‘Candidatus Methanoperedens nitroreducens’ has a pleomorphic life cycle

McIlroy, Simon J., Leu, Andy O., Zhang, Xueqin, Newell, Rhys, Woodcroft, Ben J., Yuan, Zhiguo, Hu, Shihu, Tyson, Gene W. (2023) Anaerobic methanotroph ‘Candidatus Methanoperedens nitroreducens’ has a pleomorphic life cycle. Nature Microbiology, 8 (2), pp.321-331.
1 citations on Web of Science
1 citations on Scopus
Isolation and characterisation of novel Methanocorpusculum species indicates the genus is ancestrally host-associated

James G. Volmer, Rochelle M. Soo, Paul N. Evans, Emily C. Hoedt, Ana L. Astorga Alsina, Benjamin J. Woodcroft, Gene W. Tyson, Philip Hugenholtz & Mark Morrison (2023) Isolation and characterisation of novel Methanocorpusculum species indicates the genus is ancestrally host-associated. BMC Biology.
Phylogenetic and metabolic diversity of microbial communitiesperforming anaerobic ammonium and methane oxidationsunder different nitrogen loadings

Li, Jie, Liu, Tao, McIlroy, Simon, Tyson, Gene, Guo, Jianhua (2023) Phylogenetic and metabolic diversity of microbial communities performing anaerobic ammonium and methane oxidations under different nitrogen loadings. ISME Communications, 3, pp.Article number: 39.
Other Publications
A full list of CMR research publications can be found on the CMR Google Scholar listing.