Stephen Vincent

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PhD QUT, BAppSc(Optom)(Hons) QUT, GradCert(OcTher) QUT, GradCert(AcadPrac) QUT, FAAO, FACO, FBCLA, FHEA


Associate Professor Stephen Vincent is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Optometry and Vision Science at QUT.  He joined the Contact Lens and Visual Optics Laboratory as a postgraduate student in 2008 after working in Melbourne for three years, where he was primarily involved in contact lens research conducted at the Australian College of Optometry.  His PhD research, which investigated the role of higher order aberrations in asymmetric refractive error development, was awarded the 2011 QUT Outstanding Doctoral Thesis.

Following his PhD, he completed a post-doctoral research fellowship at QUT before commencing as a lecturer as part of the QUT Early Career Academic Recruitment Development Program in 2013.  He has since completed further postgraduate training in ocular therapeutics and higher education.  His research interests include contact lenses, visual optics, and refractive error development.  Associate Professor Vincent has authored over 40 refereed scientific publications and 60 conference proceedings, and has presented his research findings as an invited speaker nationally and internationally, including as a visiting lecturer at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.  He has co-supervised 8 PhD students.

Associate Professor Vincent teaches primarily within QUT’s Master of Optometry program and coordinates the Vision Rehabilitation Centre (low vision clinic).  He has provided clinical outreach services through Guide Dogs Queensland and has contributed to numerous state and national committees in this area including the Queensland Vision Initiative, Vision 2020, and Optometry Australia’s Low Vision Working Group.  He also served as a board director of the state professional association (Optometry Queensland Northern Territory) for four years, including one term as President.  Dr Vincent remains active with various national optometry bodies and is currently serving on Optometry Australia’s Position Statement Advisory Group and Independent CPD Assessment Panel, and chairs the Optometry Council of Australia and New Zealand Examination Eligibility Committee.

Associate Professor Vincent has acted as a referee for over twenty-five optometry, ophthalmology and vision science journals and is an Editorial Board Member of Clinical and Experimental Optometry and Contact Lens and Anterior Eye.  He is a fellow of the Australian College of Optometry, the American Academy of Optometry, the British Contact Lens Association and the Higher Education Academy.