Pryntha Rajasingam

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Medical And Health Sciences

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[Currently on Maternity Leave]

BScOptom(Hons) IUCTT

Pryntha Rajasingam is a Research Optometrist and joined the Contact Lens and Visual Optic Laboratory (CLVOL) at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, in early 2015. Pryntha graduated from the International University of Technology Twintech, Malaysia with a Bachelor of Science in Optometry (Honours) in 2013, and was awarded the Dean’s Best Student of the year.

After graduation, Pryntha worked as a locum optometrist at Columbia Asia Hospital, Malaysia, together with working as a Resident Optometrist and Clinical Instructor in SEGi Eyecare at the SEGi University and Tropicana Medical Centre, in Malaysia.