Current HDR Students

Shashank Bhandary | Azam Darvishi | Samaneh Hashemi | Asif Iqbal | Mahdi Heravian Shandiz


Shashank Bhandary

Thesis Title: Using objective methods to understand the effects of near activities on myopia-genic visual environment factors

Shashank arrived in Brisbane, in July 2023, ready to commence full-time higher degree research studies within QUT’s Optometry and Vision research discipline. Shashank’s research project will utilise novel objective measurement methods to investigate visual environment factors associated with myopia. This will provide new insights into the impact of the modern visual environment and visual tasks upon myopia, and potentially identify novel treatment methods and strategies for preventing myopia development. Shashank’s thesis is guided by Principal Supervisor, Professor Scott Read and Associate Supervisor, Professor Stephen Vincent.



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Azam Darvishi

Thesis Title: Investigation of the effects of different wavelengths of light on myopia

Azam commenced her PhD candidature in June 2023. Azam’s Principal Supervisor is Professor Scott Read, with supervisory support being provided by Professor Stephen Vincent.

Azam’s research project will investigate the effects of different wavelengths of light, on myopia. Despite the relationship between light intensity and myopia, the effects of various light wavelengths and their effects upon myopia have gained momentum and interest. Refractive growth is influenced by the ambient spectral composition. The purpose of Azam’s research study is to determine the effects of short-wavelength lighting and long-wavelength lighting on choroidal thickness in humans.

Azam completed her PhD Confirmation Seminar titled: Investigation of the effects of different aspects of light exposure on the choroidal characteristics of the human eye, on Monday, 8 July 2024.


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Samaneh Hashemi

Thesis Title: Ocular/Tissue blood flow imaging using optical coherence tomography angiography

Samaneh commenced her PhD journey as a full-time QUT student in May 2023. Her research project will focus on the optical coherence tomography angiography (OCT-A) images of the human eye with an emphasis on quantifying image processing and overcoming specific OCT-A’s imaging limitations in the posterior area of the eye. Samaneh’s QUT HDR Principal Supervisor is Professor Zhiyong Li (School of Mech. Med. & Proc. Eng.), with supervisory support provided by Centre for Vision & Eye Research staff:  Dr David Alonso Caneiro, Professor Scott Read and Professor Michael Collins.

Samaneh Hashemi delivered her PhD Confirmation Seminar titled, Blood flow characterization using ocular optical coherence, on Friday, 31st May 2024.


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Asif Iqbal

Thesis Title: Tear exchange during scleral lens wear and its association with central and peripheral corneal oedema with different lens fitting characteristics


Asif Iqbal commenced his PhD candidature in the Contact Lens and Visual Optics Laboratory at QUT’s School of Optometry and Vision Science, in October 2022. Asif’s Principal Supervisor is Professor Stephen Vincent, and his Associate Supervisors are Professor Michael Collins, Dr Damien Fisher and Dr David Alonso-Caneiro.

Asif’s research project aims to quantify tear exchange during scleral lens wear, with a focus on the occurrence of central and peripheral corneal oedema when scleral lenses with differing lens fitting characteristics are introduced. Asif also plans to investigate how varying lens modification options may improve tear exchange and ensue a positive impact on corneal physiology.

Asif Iqbal delivered his PhD Confirmation Seminar titled, Tear Exchange During Scleral Lens Wear, on Thursday, 2nd November 2023.

Publications (arising from thesis):

Iqbal, AsifFisher, DamienAlonso Caneiro, DavidCollins, Michael, & Vincent, Steve (2023) Central and peripheral scleral lens-induced corneal oedema. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics.


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Mahdi Heravian Shandiz

Thesis Title: Development of image analysis methods using deep learning for eye tracking

Mahdi commenced a doctoral research degree with QUT’s Contact Lens and Visual Optics Laboratory (CLVOL) in May 2021. For two years, Mahdi completed his research as a part-time student whilst he resided in Mashhad, Iran. In August 2023, Mahdi was regarded as a full-time PhD student, and he arrived at QUT in Brisbane in early November 2023.  Mahdi’s supervisory team is comprised of Professor Scott Read (QUT Principal Supervisor), Professor Michael Collins (QUT Associate Supervisor), and Dr David Alonso-Caneiro (Associate Supervisor, University of the Sunshine Coast).

Mahdi’s research project will investigate the use of deep leaning image analysis methods for mobile eye tracking consisting effective blink detection, pupil detection, scene camera depth estimation and the clinical applications.

Mahdi Heravian Shandiz delivered his PhD Confirmation Seminar titled, Developing Deep Learning Image Analysis Methods for Mobile Eye Tracking, on Wednesday, 24th January 2024.


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