PhD (Queensland University of Technology), Bach of Ed Studies (University of Southern Qld), Diploma of Teaching (Queensland University of Technology)
Maryanne is Associate Professor in Education at Queensland University of Technology, (QUT). AsPro Maryanne Theobald is pioneering the use of video-stimulated participatory approaches that enable children to contribute their perspectives of their childhood, to research, and teacher-researchers. Maryanne's research applies interactional approaches of ethnomethodology and conversation analysis on to study children’s talk-in-interaction in disputes and friendships in the home, school, playground, with digital technologies and in multilingual contexts. Maryanne’s research identifies the value of friendship and belonging, and the criticality of this childhood interaction for educators. It is her international leadership and commitment to developing high quality educators, who ensure belonging for all children in culturally and linguistically diverse classrooms, that will create socially responsible and thinking citizens. Maryanne has attracted external and internal research funding funded research projects totalling $700,000; has 69 scholarly outputs including 4 books, one of which is sole-edited; and 80% of her journal articles have been published in Q1 and Q2 ranked journals. Maryanne has increasing visibility internationally and strong research collaborations both nationally and internationally. Maryanne has experience as editor with a special volume on children’s peer cultures within multilingual settings from a range of theoretical and methodological lenses (Emerald, 2017) and has a co-edited ethnomethodological collection, Disputes in everyday life (Emerald, 2012). Maryanne is co-editor of Research on Children’s Social Interaction (ROCSI), Equinox, and Coordinating Editor on the International Journal of Early Childhood (IJEC), Springer. Maryanne was on the Board of Management for Lady Gowrie QLD for 4 years. The Lady Gowrie is a leading organization for early childhood education and care. Maryanne has worked in community and Department of Education run education settings across Queensland including as as director of a community kindergarten and as teacher at a state preschool. During this time Maryanne co-facilitated teacher workshops on documenting children’s learning and negotiating the curriculum with young children. Address for correspondence: School of Early Childhood and Inclusive Education, Queensland University of Technology, Kelvin Grove QLD 4059, Australia
Projects (Chief investigator)
- Empowering global learners - A teacher-as-researcher approach
- In Search of Quality
- Our Stories: Children and Celebrations
- What Matters to Kids: Co-designing a wellbeing measure for First Nations Australian children aged 5-11 years
Additional information
Maryanne has 30 years experience in the field of early childhood education. She has led several projects funded by QUT and is on the Project team of a DET Horizon Grant and has been involved in a VC's Engagement and Innovation Grant.
- Our Stories: Children and Celebrations (Theobald & Busch; Margaret Trembath Scholarship Early Childhood Australia) 2020-2022
- Empowering Global Learners - A Teacher-as-Researcher Approach (Theobald, Danby, Busch, O'Gorman, Mushin & Gardner; DET Horizon Grant) 2018-2021
- Digital play - using pedagogical approaches to teach information literacy skills through play (Theobald, Danby, Lunn, McFadden & Smeaton; DET Horizon Grant) 2017-2020
- Understanding supervision in professional experience: Investigating the preparation for and actions within supervisory relationships (Theobald, Harris, Gore & Keogh; Teaching & Learning Grant) 2017
- Lady Gowrie and Quality (Theobald, McFadden & Whiteford; Industry Funded) 2017-2018
- Developing a pedagogical model for information literacy in the early years: a transdisciplinary approach (McFadden, Smeaton, Lunn, Gibson & Theobald; DET Horizon Grant) 2016-2017
- Assessing the effectiveness of the Transition to university and early childhood profession project (Heirdsfield, McFadden, Theobald, Miller & O'Gorman; Faculty of Education) 2015-2017
- Helping young children find their voice: Apps, e-therapy, and technological innovation to treat language disorders in children (Danby, Wyeth, Theobald & Ekberg; Engagement and Innovation Grant (EIG)) 2014-2015
- Better Friends, Better Lives: Supporting children’s talk and interaction in a multilingual setting (Theobald; Office Education Research Seed Funding Grant) 2014-2015
- Safe environments for young children: Effective teaching strategies for guiding & managing children’s playground (Theobald, Early Career Researcher Grant) 2010-2013
Other projects include:
- My family, our centre, our story our place: Children and celebrations (Busch, Theobald & Hayes) 2016-2018
- Supporting sharing and learning in a culturally and linguistically diverse community group (Theobald, McFadden & Communify Org) 2017
- Children's view of play (Theobald, Danby & Lady Gowrie) 2015
- Type
- Committee Role/Editor or Chair of an Academic Conference
- Reference year
- 2020
- Details
- Chair of marketing and sponsorship committee for International Conference on Conversation Analysis 2022 to be held at the University of Queensland.
- Type
- Editorial Role for an Academic Journal
- Reference year
- 2020
- Details
- Coordinating editor of Q2 journal published by highly esteemed publishers Springer
- Type
- Editorial Role for an Academic Journal
- Reference year
- 2020
- Details
- International journal with emerging importance to the field of childhood studies and interactional analysis.
- Type
- Keynote Speaker/Expert Panel Member/Invited Speaker for a Conference
- Reference year
- 2020
- Details
- Invited to present for Education Department QLD Research Forum on Early Childhood Education.
- Type
- Editorial Role for an Academic Journal
- Reference year
- 2019
- Details
- Guest editor of special issue on Children's rights in early childhood...where are we at 30 years on? The International Journal of Early Childhood (IJEC) is a highly esteemed journal, rated Q2 in Scimago, published by Springer.
- Type
- Advisor/Consultant for Industry
- Reference year
- 2018
- Details
- Lead Consultant for evaluation project: In search of Quality II
- Type
- Advisor/Consultant for Industry
- Reference year
- 2012
- Details
- Member of the Board of Management since 2010
- Type
- Assessor, Examiner or Supervisor Role
- Reference year
- 2012
- Details
- High quality supervision of Gillian Busch Dean's Commendation Award 2011
- Type
- Funding Award
- Reference year
- 2012
- Details
- 2010 Teaching and Learning Initiative (T & L), Faculty of Education QUT.
- Type
- Keynote Speaker/Expert Panel Member/Invited Speaker for a Conference
- Reference year
- 2012
- Details
- Invited speaker C&K Sunshine Coast Conference 2012, A childhood fulfilled Saturday 17 March, 2012, University of the Sunshine Coast, presenting,Child participation in talk-in-interaction: Challenges and opportunities for early year's education.
- Ekberg, S., Danby, S., Theobald, M., Fisher, B. & Wyeth, P. (2019). Using physical objects with young children in 'face-to-face' and telehealth speech and language therapy. Disability and Rehabilitation, 41(14), 1664–1675. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/116759
- Theobald, M., (2017). Friendship and peer culture in multilingual settings [Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Volume 21]. Emerald Group Publishing Inc. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/97847
- Theobald, M., Bateman, A., Busch, G., Laraghy, M. & Danby, S. (2017). 'I'm your best friend': Peer interaction and friendship in a multilingual preschool. In M. Theobald (Ed.), Friendship and peer culture in multilingual settings [Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Volume 21] (pp. 171–196). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/97911
- Theobald, M. & Danby, S. (2017). Co-producing cultural knowledge: Children telling tales in the school playground. In A. Church & A. Bateman (Eds.), Children's knowledge-in-interaction: studies in conversation analysis (pp. 111–125). Springer. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/96056
- Theobald, M., (2017). Children as research participants in educational research using video-stimulated accounts. International Journal of Educational Research, 86, 131–143. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/109515
- Theobald, M., (2017). The work of interpreters to gain children's perspectives within culturally and linguistically diverse classrooms. International Journal of Early Years Education, 25(3), 257–273. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/107453
- Theobald, M. & Busch, G. (2016). Key ideas, research and challenges in early childhood education and care. Understanding early childhood education and care in Australia: practices and perspectives, 95–120. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/91066
- Theobald, M., (2016). Achieving competence: The interactional features of children's storytelling. Childhood, 23(1), 87–104. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/79846
- McLeod, S., Verdon, S. & Theobald, M. (2015). Becoming bilingual: Children's insights about making friends in bilingual settings. International Journal of Early Childhood, 47(3), 385–402. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/85333
- Theobald, M., Danby, S. & Ailwood, J. (2011). Child participation in the early years: Challenges for education. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 36(3), 19–26. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/39902
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Christine Bruce, Professor Susan Danby - HAND-IN-HAND: THE LIVED EXPERIENCE OF CHILDREN'S PARTICIPATION
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Dr Julia Mascadri - From Reggio with love! A study of how leadership density has developed paradigm shifts in teaching and learning at one Queensland school and resulted in building capacity in deep and transfer learning, critical and creative thinking.
Professional Doctorate, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Associate Professor Megan Gibson
- Culture and Community of Children's Mealtimes: A Constructed Grounded Theory of Mealtimes in Early Childhood Education and Care Settings (2019)
- Using a Dialogic Approach to Develop Intercultural Competence in University Students (2019)
- Kindergarten Teachers' Work and a New Quality Agenda (2017)
- Fishing for Ethics: Unpacking Food Ethics Discourse Using the Case of an Online Sustainable Seafood Guide (2016)
- The Social Orders of Family Mealtime (2011)