Adjunct Professor Joanne Lunn

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PhD (Queensland University of Technology), MEd (Queensland University of Technology), BEd (Mitchell Coll. of Adv. Ed.), DipT (Brisbane College of Adv. Ed.)

Jo Lunn Brownlee is a Professor in the School of Early Childhood & Inclusive Education at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). Her current Australian research Council (ARC)Discovery project (DP180100160) investigates how teacher educators’ reflexive decision making enables them to prepare teachers for socially just teaching in diverse Australian classrooms. The project takes a transdisciplinary approach by bridging the fields of epistemic cognition and reflexive decision making to explore how rigorous teaching can be enacted in socially and culturally diverse classrooms. This ARC research extends her research program which to date has focused on exploring how epistemic cognition relates to teaching and learning, particularly in early childhood contexts.


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