Cynthia Hicban

Cynthia Hicban is a PhD candidate, Educational Mentor in early childhood, and Sessional Academic in the Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice. Cynthia has worked with young children and their families for over 15 years. Her primary research focus is investigating children’s participation rights in Early Childhood Education settings in Australia using video ethnography and Conversation Analysis. Cynthia is interested in developing innovative ways to facilitate children’s voices. She is currently consulting young children on their views about the environment in preparation for the launch of the child-friendly version of General Comment 26 for the United Nations Children’s Advisory Team. Cynthia’s future research interests include developing an intergenerational consultation toolkit. Cynthia has also published a fiction series for ‘tweens’ under a pseudonym.

Cynthia is currently looking to partner with individuals and organisations on children’s rights to comment and contribute to General Comment No. 26.

Find out more about this call to action here. 

Projects (Chief investigator)