Longitudinal study of Indigenous children primary school report

Project dates: 2022 - Ongoing

Footprints in Time: The Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children (LSIC) is a unique longitudinal study, not just as the world’s longest longitudinal study of Indigenous children, but because from its very creation, it has centred the voices of Indigenous young people and their families.

The purpose of the project is to provide a full report of LSIC children’s primary school experiences and associated outcomes and a summary report that can be distributed to schools and posted on relevant Departments of Education websites. DSS has contracted QUT to provide a research report and executive summary. These reports will provide a longitudinal picture of primary education for LSIC study children.

The report will include:
1. Descriptive analysis of a range of topics related to children’s primary school experiences (reported by study child school grade and remoteness).
2. Analysis of bivariate and multivariate relations among LSIC study child outcomes and classroom and school-level factors.
3. Analyses of patterns of change, focusing on what helps LSIC children to do well academically, socially, emotionally, and culturally at primary school.


Funding/ Grants

  • Commercial research for Australian Government Department of Social Services. (2021)

Chief Investigators
