Charlotte Bainomugisa

PhD Candidate

Project title

The role of genetics and epigenetics in co-morbidity of Posttraumatic Stress and migraine Disorder

Supervisory Team

Principal Supervisor: Associate Professor Divya Mehta
Associate Supervisor: Distinguished Professor Lyn Griffiths
Mentoring Supervisor: Professor Dale Nyholt 

Project description

Charlotte’s study aims to use an integrative genomics approach and various statistical methods to investigate biological mechanisms and molecular pathways underlying the development and progression of PTSD migraine comorbidity. She is using genomics data from various databases with genotypes, DNA methylation and gene expression data to identify the genes, shared risk factors both genetic and environmental including stress, hormones and trauma; and determine the direction of this association. Defining the exact nature of PTSD migraine comorbidity and the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying this association can be used as a target in clinical and therapeutic management of both disorders.

Short Biography

Charlotte is an epidemiologist with a background in biomedical laboratory science. She has experience in environmental and public health research. For her PhD project, she is interested in the role of genetics and epigenetics in co-morbidity of Post-Traumatic Stress and Migraine Disorder.


2013   Master of Epidemiology, The University of Queensland

2009  Bachelor of Biomedical Laboratory Technology, Makerere University Kampala