Adjunct Associate Professor Toby Miles-Johnson

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Adjunct Associate Professor

Toby received his Doctorate of Philosophy – Criminology from The University of Queensland. Toby graduated from Griffith University, Australia, with a First class honours degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice. His majors were international relations, and criminological research. Toby was awarded the ‘Deans Award for Higher Degree Research Excellence’ from the University of Queensland, the Griffith ‘University Medal’ and the Griffith University ‘Criminology and Criminal Justice Medal’ as the highest academic achieving student. Toby has also been awarded the ‘Crime and Misconduct Commission’ (CMC) Award for academic excellence, four Griffith University ‘Academic Excellence Awards’ and a Golden Key ‘International Honour Society Award’ for academic excellence. Toby is a member of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) in the United Kingdom. Toby has worked at The University of Southampton – UK and The University of Queensland (UQ) – Brisbane. To date – Toby has supervised to completion 28 Honours Year students, 7 MSc Students and 2 PhD students. Toby is currently supervising 5 PhD students in Australia – 3 as principal supervisor and 2 as associate supervisor.

Toby’s research and work has been cited and discussed within the 2017 US report: An Evidence-Assessment of the Recommendations of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, in association with the International Association of Chiefs of Police; George Mason University; and The Laura and John Arnold Foundation. Toby’s work and research has contributed to key areas on ‘Police Training’ and ‘Policing Diverse Communities’ within this report. For an academic outside of the US this is a significant achievement. His current research considers inclusion and diversity within police organisations, and police officer perceptions of recruitment, retention, deployment and promotion. His research interests include: Policing, Police Training, Policing Diversity and Inclusion, Policing Minority Groups (Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Gender, Sexuality, Gender Diversity, Mental Health, Disability, Homelessness), Policing and Domestic Violence in the LGBTIQ+ Community, and Threat and Victimisation Policing.