Dr Shane Warren

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Lecturer, Faculty of Health

Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work (Griffith University)

Dr Shane Warren is a Lecturer in social work at the School of Public Health and Social Work, Queensland University of Technology. He entered academia after a considerable number of years working in the field. Starting as a new graduate social worker with the former Department of Families, Youth and Care in the Division of Intellectual Disability Services in Rockhampton, Central Queensland in 1997, Dr Warren moved to the United Kingdom in 2001 to take up position in front line child protection and returned to Australia in 2004, where he soon obtained managerial positions in Queensland which he held for several years. With over 20 years’ experience, his work in the field culminated in managerial roles in the Homelessness Program in Queensland, where he provided expert policy and program advice particularly in relation to youth, families, women and people experiencing domestic and family violence. In 2018, Shane completed his doctoral study that focused on homelessness in the Central Queensland mining communities of Dysart, Moranbah and Mackay where he identified the influence of the mining cycle on homelessness in these communities, and the unique experiences of homelessness in these communities and pathways out of homelessness. Shane is a strong advocate for the provision of flexible support services and appropriate and affordable housing solutions for community members experiencing disadvantage and marginalisation. Shane has also had other major achievements over the years. These include the following:

  • Implemented major homelessness and domestic and family violence reforms including the design and development of new initiatives under the Queensland Housing Strategy 2017-2027 and Action Plan 2017-2020 and Partnering for Impact to reduce homelessness in Queensland projects including supportive housing for families and flexible assistance for people experiencing DFV
  • Contributed to the consultation, research and drafting of the Working Together Changing the Story: Youth Justice Strategy 2019 -2023
  • Contributed to policy development to support the Transition of 17 year olds from Adult Prisons to Youth Justice Services in Queensland Project
  • Successfully manage more than $138 million per annum in National Housing and Homelessness Agreement (NHHA) funding allocated to 127 non-government organisation across Queensland to deliver Specialist Homelessness Services
  • 2017 Winner Griffith University Logan Campus 3 Minute Thesis Competition

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