Michael Hogan

Adjunct Professor

Michael Hogan has over 30 years of executive experience in the public and community sectors in public policy making, organisational leadership, coaching and mentoring, strategy development and facilitation, stakeholder and community engagement, public interest advocacy, innovation and change, issue management, and system stewardship.

Michael has held CEO roles in two government agencies – as the Director-General of the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women, and of the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability services in Queensland. He has also been a deputy or assistant CEO in the Qld Department of the Premier and Cabinet, DCCSDS and the Qld Department of Communities; and before that he was an executive in the NSW Premier’s Department.

Michael was a long-standing member of the national Child and Families Secretaries Group and has been the Qld Government DG Champion for the Indigenous communities of Hope Vale, Doomadgee and the Torres Straits. Michael was co-chair of the Organising Committee for the 2015 United Nations / Queensland Government’s International Conference on Community Engagement. He is an Executive Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand School of Government (2011).

Michael was the CEO of the Public Interest Advocacy Centre in NSW until 1997, and has served on statutory bodies – the NSW Community Services Review Council and the NSW Juvenile Justice Advisory Council, and on non-government boards – including the NSW Council of Social Services and the Consumers’ Health Forum of Australia. Working as a public interest advocate, Michael was instrumental in the establishment of the NSW Youth Justice Coalition, the National Children’s and Youth Law Centre and the NSW Public Interest Law Clearing House, and in the establishment of the Consumers’ Health Forum of Australia.