Dr Laura Vitis

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Senior Lecturer, Faculty of CI, Education & Social Justice

PhD (Criminology) (Monash University)

Dr Laura Vitis is a Lecturer in the School of Justice, Faculty of Law, QUT, Australia. Her research focuses on how technology is used to facilitate gendered, sexual and intimate partner violence within the Global South. Her work also examines the regulation of and resistance to technologically facilitated violence, youth sexting and the role of risk in the Sex Offender Register. She has established an international research profile aligned with this research agenda. Her research on exo-judicial justice for online sexual harassment has been published in leading international journal Crime, Media, Culture. Additionally, her research on mandatory sex offender registration for non-consensual youth sexting has been published in the open access International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy. In 2017, she co-edited an edited collection entitled Gender, Technology and Violence for Routledge in their Studies in Crime and Society Series. This collection was an interdisciplinary exploration of how digital technologies both create and sustain various forms of gendered violence and provide platforms for resistance and criminal justice intervention. It featured leading Australian criminologists and international scholars in the fields of criminology, politics and gender studies. Dr Vitis recently published a research report focused on Technology and Sexual Violence in Singapore in collaboration with Singaporean NGO the Sexual Assault Care Centre (SACC). This report was featured in several national newspapers The Straits Times and Channel News Asia and remains one of the first pieces of Singaporean research on the relationship between technology and sexual violence. At present, Dr Vitis is conducting a research project examining the role of technology in Singaporean women’s experiences of gendered, sexual and intimate partner violence.

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Research Reports

  • Vitis, L, Joseph, A & Mahadevan, D 2017, Technology and Sexual Violence: SACC Summary Report. Sexual Assault Care Centre Singapore.
  • Vitis, L, Ware, V & Gronda, H 2010, Intermediate housing markets and effective policy responses, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Shelter NSW.
  • Ware, V, Gronda, H & Vitis L 2010, Addressing locational disadvantage effectively, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Housing NSW.
  • Gronda, H, Ware, V & Vitis L 2011, What makes a difference? Building a foundation for nationally consistent outcome measures, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Homeground Services, Hanover Welfare Services, Melbourne City Mission.