Publications by year
PhD (University of Newcastle)
I am currently a member of the ARC College of Experts, edit the Routledge Series Crime and Justice Studies in Asia and the Global South, Co-Edit The Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy and I am Vice President of the Asian Criminological Society.
I have published widely, including 27 books and major research reports and over 100 papers and book chapters. I have also had sustained success in attracting nationally competitive grants and industry funding. Research Interests Include:
- The ecology of crime, especially small places
- Social control, with a focus on public health regulations
- The social construction and governance of sex and gender, with a focus on sex work
- Masculinity and violence
- The supply and regulation of drugs
In terms of teaching, I won a 2007 National (Carrick) Award, in addition to institutional awards for teaching and curriculum innovation.
I have been actively involved in institutional leadership roles, including leader of a Collaborative Research Network and extended periods acting as a head of school at QUT and UNE. In terms of broader service roles, I have served as a Chief Examiner with the New South Wales Board of Studies and was a member of the Community Relations Commission, New South Wales.
Additional information
I have significant experience in administering category one grants, Including as a Chief Investigator on two Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Grants, an ARC Linkage, a Rural Industries Development Corporation Grant and two National Drug law Enforcement Fund Grants. Scott has also conducted numerous consultancies for government and non-government groups and organisations, including the Federal Attorney General’s Department and various local government bodies. I was a theme leader in UNE’s Collaborative Research Network, which was partnered with four other universities. Grants and consultancies include:
- John Scott, M. Chataway, A. Higginson (2018-2019). QWB Safety Study, Department of Industry, Development and Tourism, Queensland Government.
- John, Scott, Angela Higginson, Mark Lauchs (2018) Strategic Review of Cape York Income Management, Department of Social Services, Canberra.
- John Scott, James Moreton. (2017) Criminology Research Grant. Understanding Torres Strait Island Justice. $30,665.00.
- Victor Minichiello, John Scott et al. Australia-Argentina higher-education industry collaborative action network. Council of Australian and Latin American relations Grant 2016-2017. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra, $51,658.00.
- John Scott, Mark Lynch, Judy Putt, Elaine Barclay, Ralph Weisheit (2013-2014) ‘Quantitative analysis of the qualitative data component of the ‘Natural History of Amphetamine Type Stimulant (ATS) Users Study’. National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund, $44,000.
- Victor Minichiello, Steve Campbell, John Frasier, Rafat Hussain, John Scott, Myfanwy Maple, Don Hine; Gail Hawkes, Debra Dunstan, Elaine Barclay, Pierre Moens; Jim McFarlane. (2011-2014) ‘Collaborative Research Network for Mental Health and Wellbeing in Rural Regions’, Australian Federal Government, $7 million ($4.8 million, UNE).
- Simon Lenton, Monica Barrett, John Scott. (2013-2014) ‘The Social Supply of Cannabis Among Young People in Australia’ National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund, $225,237.
- Victor Minichiello, John Scott (2011-2014) Masculinity and Commercial Sex: Learning About Men’s Sexualities in the Male Sex Work Encounter, Australian Research Council (Discovery), $377,000.
- John Scott;, Ron Reavell (2009) Social Plans (Armidale, Guyra, Uralla, Walcha LGAs), New England Strategic Alliance of Councils, $48,000.
- John Scott, Ron Reavell (2009-2010) Social Plan, Moree Plains Shire Council, $18,000.
- Margaret Sims, John Scott, Elaine Barclay. (2011-2014) Evaluation of Indigenous Justice Programs, Attorney General’s Department, $369,600.
- Don Hine, John Scott (2008-2011) Combining Community Based Social Marketing and Technological Innovation to Combat Wood-Smoke Pollution in Regional Australia, Australian Research Council (Linkage), $148,725.
- Kerry Carrington, Russell Hogg, John Scott (2008-2010) Safeguarding Rural Australia: Addressing Violence and Masculinity in Rural Settings, Australian Research Council (Discovery), $277,000.
- Amanda Davies, K. Carrington, R. Stayner, T. Sorensen, F. Rolley, J. Scott (2007-2009) What Makes a Resilient Rural Community? Rural Industries Development and Research Corporation, $300,000.
- John Scott, Ron Reavell. (2007-2009) Evaluation of Youth of the Streets (Walgett), Department of Families, Housing, Services and Indigenous Affairs, $36,000.
- Kerry Carrington, John Scott, Ron Reavell. (2006) Tamworth Regional Council Social Plan. Tamworth Regional Council, $43,000.
- John Scott, Ron Reavell. (2003-2004) Social Impact Statement, Freedom Pastoral Care, $5,000.
My research is cited frequently by peers and has featured in national and international media. In terms of social impacts, during the last decade, my research has appeared in most Australian newspapers. He hs also written for The Conversation and Arena Magazine and research has also featured in international newspapers, including The Scotsman and Washington Post. Scott also co-edits the site Me, Us and Male Escorting.
- (2020) Crime and Justice in the Torres Strait and Cape York’s Licensing Muster Program. Law Report with Damien Carrick, ABC Radio National. 15 June. https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/lawreport/13368506;
- (2018) New research on what we know about small time drug dealers. Interview Damien Carrick for ABC Radio National, 17 October. https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/lawreport/2018-10-16/10380900
- (2018) Recreational drug use in Australia is now ‘mainstream’ and how it is dealt with is changing rapidly. News. com. NT News, The Advertiser, The Mercury, Herald sun, Geelong Advertiser, The Daily Telegraph, Weekly Times, Courier mail, Cairns Post, Townsville Bulletin, Gold Coast Times. October 18.https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/recreational-drug-use-in-australia-is-now-mainstream-and-how-its-dealt-is-changing-rapidly/news-story/c0ffa5ce3d0e04afc23245de17923da2
- (2018) Interview on male sex work with Dan Savage for Savage Lovecast, US syndicated radio program in Itunes top 50 podcasts 21 March. https://www.savagelovecast.com
- (2018) Male sex workers catering to more women and couples as legal reform lags. ABC Online, ABC Radio, 5 January. http://www.radioaustralia.net.au/international/2018-01-04/male-sex-workers-catering-to-more-women-and-couples-as-legal-reform-lags/1727174
- (2017)Interview with ABC Radio JJJ (Hack), Youth crime statistics (7 November).
- Scott, J. (2017) Technology drives the need to rethink sex industry regulation. The Conversation. August 7.
- (2017) Too busy for love: career woman in Britain and the US are paying 150 pound an hour for sex with male escorts and are happy to splash and stay for the weekend, reveals study. (November) Mailonline (Daily Mail, UK)
- Scott, J., Minichiello, V. and C. Cox (2016) Sex work and Southern Theory. The Australian Sociological Association, Homepage Blog.
- (2017) Press conference QLD Parliament House on reforms to Youth Justice, including 17 year olds in detention, with the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Yvette D’Ath and Minister for Child safety, Shannon Fentiman, 15 September.
- (2016) Dating Apps are Leading to the McDonaldization of Sex (Feature article in Insight section). Courier Mail. 19 November. (2016) What male sex workers have to say about their industry, Out, 10 August.
- Nichols, J. (2016) New website wants to make the world a better place for male sex workers. The Huffington Post, 27 July,
- Kermond, C. (23/6/16) ‘Male sex workers call for respect and understanding’ Fairfax feature.
- Power, L. 'The world of male sex workers explored in new book' The Age. (18/11/14)
- Scott, J. & Minichiello, V. Mining, sex work and STIs: why force connection? The Conversation. http://theconversation.edu.au/mining-sex-work-and-stis-why-force-a-connection-7707
- 'Study Busts Myths about FIFO sex'. Science Network, Western Australia (25/10/12)
- IFO sex workers' Weekend Australian Magazine, 29-30 June ABC Radio National Bush Telegraph, Interview, 'Sexually transmitted infections and mining the boom' (31/5/12).
- Scott, J. (2011) True crime makes us look for our own evil. Opinion and Analysis, Newcastle Herald, Wednesday, Sept 10.
- ABC Radio National, Bush Telegraph, Youth Violence on Rise in Country Areas (25/3/10)
- Jopson, D. (20.2.10) Outback gothic, where the vision is not so splendid. Sydney Morning Herald, Weekend Edition.
- Radio Television Hong Kong, Radio Three (25/1/2010). Why men go for prostitutes? ,
- Elliot, T (18/6/09) Who will hear you scream? Misfits who go nuts in the bush. Sydney Morning Herald.
- Lewis, D. 2005 The other kind of country women's club. The Sydney Morning Herald, 8 December.
- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 2014
- Details
- Carrick National Citation Award for outstanding contribution to student learning
- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 2007
- Details
- British Arts and Humanities Research Council, Research Centre in Gender Sexuality and Law
- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 2006
- Details
- UNE, Vice Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence, Sole recipient in Individual Category
- Scott, J. & Staines, Z. (2023). Island Criminology. In Bristol University Press. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/237487
- Scott, J., Staines, Z. & Morton, J. (2023). Strong communities and justice practices in the Torres Strait Region. Journal of Sociology, 59(1), 160–180. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/212108
- Berry, S., Scott, J., Ball, M. & Minichiello, V. (2022). Deploying nationalist discourses to reduce sex-, gender- and HIV-related stigma in Thailand. BioSocieties, 17(4), 676–694. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/211546
- Hussey, E., Richards, K. & Scott, J. (2022). Pedophile Hunters and Performing Masculinities Online. Deviant Behavior, 43(11), 1313–1330. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/213419
- Scott, J., Grov, C. & Minichiello, V. (2021). The Routledge Handbook of Male Sex Work, Culture, and Society. Routledge. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/216583
- Barclay, E., Scott, J., Sims, M. & Cooper, T. (2021). Night patrols: Mobilising collective efficacy in Indigenous communities. In A. Harkness & R. White (Eds.), Crossroads of rural crime: Representations and realities of transgression in the Australian countryside (pp. 45–60). Emerald. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/210444
- Scott, J. & Staines, Z. (2021). Charting the place of islands in criminology: On isolation, integration and insularity. Theoretical Criminology, 25(4), 578–600. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/198143
- Scott, J., Staines, Z. & Morton, J. (2021). Crime, justice and social capital in the Torres Strait region. Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, 620. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/208947
- Dwyer, A., Scott, J. & Staines, Z. (2021). Strangers in a strange land: police perceptions of working in discrete Indigenous communities in Queensland, Australia. Police Practice and Research, 22(1), 208–224. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/199926
- Scott, J., Staines, Z., Higginson, A., Lauchs, M., Ryan, V. & Zhen, L. (2021). 'Walking in two worlds': A qualitative review of income management in Cape York. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 80(1), 46–63. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/202564
- Fakafoki Ki Api (Returned Home) - The Deportation of Tongan Non-citizen Criminals from Australia: an analysis of deportee's experiences and the perceptions and attitudes of Tonga towards receiving criminal deportees from Australia
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Melissa Bull, Associate Professor Danielle Watson - The performances of online paedophile hunters
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Kelly Richards, Dr Laura Vitis - Mediation as tool for the resolution of violent community conflict
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Melissa Bull, Adjunct Associate Professor Verena Thomas - HHow and Why the Liberal and National Parties merged in Queensland in 2008 |
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Associate Professor Mark Lauchs, Professor Kelly Richards - Women's experiences of exiting domestic and family violence relationships in regional, rural and remote Queensland |
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Belinda Carpenter - Missing Persons Cases in the Australian Media: A Descriptive Analysis of Coverage and Representations
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Kelly Richards - Northern Territory Emergency Response (NTER) - Closing the Gap in Indigenous Affairs aims to improve the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.
MPhil, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Belinda Carpenter, Associate Professor Lee Wharton
- Policing gendered violence: A study on women's police stations in Argentina (2023)
- Victimisation experiences of users of gay dating platforms in India: An exploratory study (2023)
- The Pursuit of Sex Through Tourism in Africa: An Exploration of the Experiences, Perceptions and Attitudes of Male Sex Workers Servicing Sex Tourists in Botswana (2021)
- Governing Cannabis Highs and Harms: Australia's Neoliberal Harm Minimisation Illicit Drugs Framework (2020)
- Reporting Clergy Sexual Misconduct Against Adults to Roman Catholic Church Authorities: An Analysis of Survivor Perspectives (2020)
- An Evaluation of Youth Justice Conferencing for Youth Misuse of Fire (2018)
- Community of Blood: Impacts and management of intersecting stigmas among Thai same-sex attracted men and transgender people with HIV (2017)
- Imagined Ruralities and the Spatial Regulation of Sex Work in Queensland (2017)
- Seven Deadly Sins: Developing a Situational Understanding of Homicide Event Motive (2017)