Professor John Scott

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Professor, Faculty of CI, Education & Social Justice

PhD (University of Newcastle)

I am currently a member of the ARC College of Experts, edit the Routledge Series Crime and Justice Studies in Asia and the Global South, Co-Edit The Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy and I am Vice President of the Asian Criminological Society.

I have published widely, including 27 books and major research reports and over 100 papers and book chapters. I have also had sustained success in attracting nationally competitive grants and industry funding. Research Interests Include:

  • The ecology of crime, especially small places
  • Social control, with a focus on public health regulations
  • The social construction and governance of sex and gender, with a focus on sex work
  • Masculinity and violence
  • The supply and regulation of drugs

In terms of teaching, I won a 2007 National (Carrick) Award, in addition to institutional awards for teaching and curriculum innovation.

I have been actively involved in institutional leadership roles, including leader of a Collaborative Research Network and extended periods acting as a head of school at QUT and UNE. In terms of broader service roles, I have served as a Chief Examiner with the New South Wales Board of Studies and was a member of the Community Relations Commission, New South Wales.

Additional information

I have significant experience in administering category one grants, Including as a Chief Investigator on two Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Grants, an ARC Linkage, a Rural Industries Development Corporation Grant and two National Drug law Enforcement Fund Grants. Scott has also conducted numerous consultancies for government and non-government groups and organisations, including the Federal Attorney General’s Department and various local government bodies. I was a theme leader in UNE’s Collaborative Research Network, which was partnered with four other universities. Grants and consultancies include:

  • John Scott, M. Chataway, A. Higginson (2018-2019). QWB Safety Study, Department of Industry, Development and Tourism, Queensland Government.
  • John, Scott, Angela Higginson, Mark Lauchs (2018) Strategic Review of Cape York Income Management, Department of Social Services, Canberra.
  • John Scott, James Moreton. (2017) Criminology Research Grant. Understanding Torres Strait Island Justice. $30,665.00.
  • Victor Minichiello, John Scott et al. Australia-Argentina higher-education industry collaborative action network. Council of Australian and Latin American relations Grant 2016-2017. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra, $51,658.00.
  • John Scott, Mark Lynch, Judy Putt, Elaine Barclay, Ralph Weisheit (2013-2014) ‘Quantitative analysis of the qualitative data component of the ‘Natural History of Amphetamine Type Stimulant (ATS) Users Study’. National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund, $44,000.
  • Victor Minichiello, Steve Campbell, John Frasier, Rafat Hussain, John Scott, Myfanwy Maple, Don Hine; Gail Hawkes, Debra Dunstan, Elaine Barclay, Pierre Moens; Jim McFarlane. (2011-2014) ‘Collaborative Research Network for Mental Health and Wellbeing in Rural Regions’, Australian Federal Government,  $7 million ($4.8 million, UNE).
  • Simon Lenton, Monica Barrett, John Scott. (2013-2014) ‘The Social Supply of Cannabis Among Young People in Australia’ National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund, $225,237.
  • Victor Minichiello, John Scott (2011-2014) Masculinity and Commercial Sex: Learning About Men’s Sexualities in the Male Sex Work Encounter, Australian Research Council (Discovery), $377,000.
  • John Scott;, Ron Reavell (2009) Social Plans (Armidale, Guyra, Uralla, Walcha LGAs), New England Strategic Alliance of Councils, $48,000.
  • John Scott, Ron Reavell (2009-2010) Social Plan, Moree Plains Shire Council, $18,000.
  • Margaret Sims, John Scott, Elaine Barclay. (2011-2014) Evaluation of Indigenous Justice Programs, Attorney General’s Department, $369,600.
  • Don Hine, John Scott (2008-2011) Combining Community Based Social Marketing and Technological Innovation to Combat Wood-Smoke Pollution in Regional Australia, Australian Research Council (Linkage), $148,725.
  • Kerry Carrington, Russell Hogg, John Scott (2008-2010) Safeguarding Rural Australia:  Addressing  Violence and Masculinity in Rural Settings, Australian Research Council (Discovery), $277,000.
  • Amanda Davies, K. Carrington, R. Stayner, T. Sorensen, F. Rolley, J. Scott (2007-2009) What Makes a Resilient Rural Community? Rural Industries Development and Research Corporation, $300,000.
  • John Scott, Ron Reavell. (2007-2009) Evaluation of Youth of the Streets (Walgett), Department of Families, Housing, Services and Indigenous Affairs, $36,000.
  • Kerry Carrington, John Scott, Ron Reavell. (2006) Tamworth Regional Council Social Plan. Tamworth Regional Council, $43,000.
  • John Scott, Ron Reavell. (2003-2004) Social Impact Statement, Freedom Pastoral Care, $5,000.

My  research is cited frequently by peers and has featured in national and international media. In terms of social impacts, during the last decade, my  research has appeared in most Australian newspapers. He hs also written for The Conversation and Arena Magazine and research has also featured in international newspapers, including The Scotsman and Washington Post. Scott also co-edits the site Me, Us and Male Escorting.

Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
Reference year
Carrick National Citation Award for outstanding contribution to student learning
Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
Reference year
British Arts and Humanities Research Council, Research Centre in Gender Sexuality and Law
Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
Reference year
UNE, Vice Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence, Sole recipient in Individual Category