Associate Professor Fiona McDonald

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Associate Professor, Faculty of Business and Law

JSD - Doctoral in Science (Dalhousie University Canada), Master of Laws (Dalhousie University Canada)

Fiona is an Associate Professor at the QUT Law School at Queensland University of Technology. Fiona is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Department of Bioethics, Dalhousie University, Canada, a Senior Research Fellow at the New Zealand Centre for Public Law at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand and is a member of Dalhousie University's Technoscience and Regulation Research Unit. Fiona is a Co-Director of the Australian Centre for Health Law Research.  Prior to her appointment Fiona was a research associate at the Health Law Institute at Dalhousie University, Canada and a legal advisor to New Zealand’s Health and Disability Commissioner.  Her research focuses on legal and ethical issues in relation to the governance of health systems. It has four broad themes:
  • the governance of health systems (including public and environmental health);
  • the governance of health organisations;
  • the governance of health professionals and the health workforce; and
  • the governance of health technologies.
  Research interests
  • Health governance
  • Health systems law and policy
  • Rural bioethics
  • Bioethics
  • Regulation.
Research funding
  • Medical Research Council (UK) Global Challenges Research Fund (2021-2024) £1.61 million. Factors affecting childhood exposures to urban particulates. (Horwell, Covey, McDonald, Pelupessy, Dhimal, Sagala, Sofyan, Suroso, Cowie, Loh, Galea et al (McDonald, international collaborator)).
  • Queensland Genomics Health Alliance (2017-2019) $480,000 Implementation of Genomics into Queensland Healthcare: ethical, legal and social implications and policy challenges (N Waddell, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, (B Bennett QUT, J Devereux, The University of Queensland) and F McDonald, et al.
  •   National Health and Medical Research Council (2013-2018) $2.5 million Centre for Research Excellence in End-of-Life Care, (P Yates, G Mitchell, D. Currow, K. Eagar, H. Edwards, G. Gardner, L. Willmott, A. Bonner, R. Clark, J Tieman, (CIs), McCaffrey, Johnson, Beattie, McCarthy, Broom, White, McDonald (AIs)).
  •  Canadian Institutes for Health Research Operating Grant (2011-2016) $442,066 (CD) Articulating Standards: translating the practices of standardizing health technologies (Professor J. Graham, Dalhousie University (PI), Professor R. Darnell, University of Western Ontario, Dr C. Holmes, CNRS Centre National de la Recherché Scientique, France; Dr M. Jones, ECHO: Women's Health, and Dr F. McDonald, Queensland University of Technology.
  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research Meetings, Planning and Dissemination Grant: Health Services and Policy Research (2010) $17,000 (CD) Articulating Standards and Practices of Health Regulation: A Grant Writing Workshop (J. Graham (P.I), R Darnell, C Holmes, M Jones, F McDonald, V Ozdemir, C. Stephens)
  • Australia Indonesia Governance Research Partnership (2009) $61,720 Evidence-Based Decision Making to Reform Governance at the District Level: The Case of Nutritional Policies, Programs and Interventions in Bantul and Gunungkidul (F. McDonald & A. Yoganingrum (PIs), F. Purwaningrum, D. Ariani)

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