Dr Danielle Davidson

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Lecturer, Faculty of Health

Doctor of Philosophy (University of Queensland), Graduate Diploma of Psychology (Queensland University of Technology)

Dr Danielle Davidson is a lecturer in the School of Public Health and Social Work, Faculty of Health at Queensland University of Technology. Dr Davidson studied Arts with first class Honours (majoring in Criminology and Criminal Justice) at Griffith University and her PhD in Social Work at the University of Queensland. Dr Davidson has extensive experience researching in the tertiary sector, as well as clinical experience as a counsellor for several leading counselling services. Her current research interests centre on the role played by environments in shaping social outcomes for health and well being. Dr Davidson has played a role in several international and local research projects that have required the application of theory to produce practical outcomes for communities. Since joining QUT, Dr Davidson has developed her expertise in place based community development. Previous appointments Counsellor: Kids Helpline, Parentline, Drug Arm University of Queensland - Sessional Tutor/Lecturer - 2007-16 Research assistant with the Bristol City Council (UK), 2002 Paralegal with Osborne and Clarke, Bristol (UK) 2001-2002 Research Assistant for Prof Ian O’Connor, University of Queensland, School of Social Work and Human Services, 2000 Research assistant for Prof Ross Homel, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Griffith University, 1998-2000

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Reports and Practice Guides Crane, P., Moore, T., O’Regan, M., Davidson, D., Francis, C. and Davis, C. (2016). Youth alcohol and drug practice guide 5: Working with families and significant others. Brisbane: Dovetail. Marston, G., Davidson, D., Mays, J. and Johnson-Abdelmalik, J. (2015). No wrong Door: The Salvation Army Doorways case management service. Brisbane: QUT, School of Public Health and Social Work. Homel, R., Burrows, T., Gross, J., Herd, B., Ramsden, D. and Teague, R. (1999). Preventing violence: A review of the literature on violence and violence prevention. A report prepared for the Crime Prevention Division of the NSW Attorney General’s Department. Acknowledgements Mays, J., Marston, G. & Tomlinson, J. (2016). Basic income in Australia and New Zealand: Perspectives from the neoliberal frontier. Palgrave Macmillan. Editing and proofreading Jones, A. et al. (2010). Service integrated housing for Australians in later life. AHURI Final Report No. 141. Melbourne: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Queensland Research Centre. Research assistance and drafting paper Jones, A. et al. (2008). The role of home maintenance and modification services in achieving health, community care and housing outcomes in later life. AHURI Final Report No. 123. Melbourne: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Queensland Research Centre. Research assistance and drafting paper Conferences and Workshops

  • Space and Place Project: September, 2016

The spatiality of telephone counselling

  • Australian Counselling Association Conference 2011

A case study of youth counsellors’ experiences of working in a Nf2f counselling service

  • Queensland Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention Conference 2006

Tailoring suicide prevention across counselling modalities (phone/ web/ email)

  • Conference on Indigenous Suicide Prevention: Adelaide Sept 2005

Jointly ran a workshop on counselling suicidal callers