Dr Brodie Evans

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Visiting Fellow

Dr Brodie Evans is a Visiting Fellow contributing to research in the QUT Centre’s for Justice, Queensland University of Technology, Australia.  Their research examines discourse, law and public policy, and political activism, in relation to issues of social and criminal justice. Brodie is particularly interested in how Foucault’s tools can be utilised to expand understandings of human-animal dynamics and governance, and the discursive strategies of resistance.

Brodie also works outside of the university as the Program Manager for a non-profit organisation in the domestic violence response sector. This work involves managing the development and delivery of perpetrator intervention efforts underpinned by the Duluth model. Brodie currently manages a team of group facilitators, supporting best practice in working alongside men to address their use of violence towards their intimate partners and improve the safety and access to justice for victim-survivors.

Brodie’s 10 years of teaching experience in areas of justice, politics, gender, and violence, enables them to continue building connections between their professional practice, teaching and research. As a teacher, Brodie has been nominated for a Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in 2016 and was awarded a Vice-Chancellor’s Performance Award in 2017.

Brodie has an ongoing role as a member of the QUT Ally Network and is a founding member of the QUT Pride Staff Network Committee. They have previously served as a Discrimination Contact Officer at QUT and on the Faculty of Law Equity Committee.  In a volunteer capacity, Brodie also currently serves as the co-convenor of the Steering Committee for the Services and Practitioners for the Elimination of Abuse Queensland (SPEAQ), and on WorkUP QLD’s Reference Group, and CQU’s Domestic and Family Violence Course Reference Committee.