Doctor of Philosophy (University of Queensland)
I am a human geographer by training. My research interests centre on human-environment interactions, specifically how populations are impacted by, and adapting to a changing climate, specifically through planned relocation and (im)mobilities. I have experience working on projects in the Asia-Pacific region including Australia, Fiji, Kiribati, and Maldives on a range of topics spanning climate change adaptation, planned relocation, sustainable livelihoods, immobility, and tourism. Throughout my research and work, I employ a range of both qualitative and quantitative social science data collection and analysis methods.
I am currently a Research Fellow currently working in the School of Architecture and Built Environment at Queensland University of Technology. I completed my PhD at the University of Queensland in March 2020 where I received a Deans Award for Outstanding Higher Degree Theses. Prior to my doctorate studies, I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Management, majoring in Sustainable Development, at the University of Queensland, where I attained first class honours.
Additional information
Peer Review, continuing
Contributed through peer-reviewing several articles for reputable Human Geography and Social Science journals including:
Journal of Sustainable Tourism (IF (2022) 9.5)
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (IF (2022) 7.9)
Climate Risk Management (IF (2022) 5.2)
Climatic Change (IF (2022) 5.2)
Climate and Development (IF (2022) 4.6)
Sustainability (IF (2022) 3.9)
Island Studies Journal (IF (2022) 1.5).
Awards and Scholarships
Deans Award for Outstanding Higher Degree Research Theses, The University of Queensland
Research Training Program Scholarship, The University of Queensland
Summer Research Scholarship, The University of Queensland
Deans Commendation for High Achievement, The University of Queensland
Deans Commendation for Academic Excellence, The University of Queensland