Associate Professor Angela Higginson

Publications by year

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Senior Lecturer, Faculty of CI, Education & Social Justice

Doctor of Philosophy (University of Queensland)

Dr Angela Higginson is an Associate Professor in the School of Justice, Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice, QUT.  She is an ARC Discovery Early Career Research Award (DECRA) fellow for 2018-2022, and her DECRA project examines the correlates and consequences of ethnically-motivated youth hate crime in Australia. Much of Angela's work has focused on policing and community processes for crime control, with a particular interest in evaluation through systematic reviews and meta-analysis. Her research is situated in a comparative framework, and examines the contextual differences between the Global North and South. Prior to joining the School of Justice, Angela was a Lecturer and Research Fellow at the University of Queensland, and she is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at UQ. She has worked within the public sector as the Principal Advisor Statistical Research and Analysis in the Department of Emergency Services. Research interests  

  • Youth gangs, hate crime, anti-immigrant sentiment
  • Policing and crime control
  • Systematic reviews and meta-analysis
  • Fraud and fire

Additional information

Editorial Role for an Academic Journal
Reference year
Editor of the Campbell Collaboration Crime and Justice coordinating group, and member of the Campbell Collaboration Crime and Justice Steering Committee. The Campbell Collaboration is the peak body for the promotion and production of systematic reviews in the social sciences.
Editorial Role for an Academic Journal
Reference year
Member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Experimental Criminology. The journal focuses on high quality experimental and quasi-experimental research in the development of evidence based crime and justice policy. The journal is currently ranked 3rd globally in the field of Criminology and Penology, with an of 3.912 for 2017
Funding Award
Reference year
"Effectiveness of multiagency interventions with police as a partner for preventing radicalisation to violence". Chief Investigators: Lorraine Mazerolle, Elizabeth Eggins, Adrian Cherney, Angela Higginson. $98,213 awarded by Public Safety Canada, via the Campbell Collaboration.
Funding Award
Reference year
"What impact do police programs that seek to increase community connectedness have on behaviour, attitudes and beliefs related to violent extremism?" Chief Investigators: Lorraine Mazerolle, Elizabeth Eggins, Adrian Cherney, Angela Higginson. $67,533 awarded by the Department of Homeland Security (USA) via the Campbell Collaboration.
Funding Award
Reference year
"What works to address child exploitation offending?" Chief Investigators: Lorraine Mazerolle, Elizabeth Eggins, Michelle Sydes, Rebecca Wallis, Kerryann Walsh, Angela Higginson, John Williams. $90,426 awarded by Australian Institute of Criminology.
Funding Award
Reference year
"Developments to the Global Policing Database". Chief Investigators: Elizabeth Eggins, Angela Higginson, Lorraine Mazerolle. $211,322 awarded by the College of Policing, UK.
Keynote Speaker/Expert Panel Member/Invited Speaker for a Conference
Reference year
Invited to launch the Global Policing Database at the Mayor's Office of Policing and Crime, London, to an international audience of police practitioners, policy-makers, and researchers. The Global Policing Database is an initiative to collate all experimental and quasi-experimental evaluations of policing interventions in an open-source web-based database. The GPD was funded by the UK College of Policing, via the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (UK).
Keynote Speaker/Expert Panel Member/Invited Speaker for a Conference
Reference year
As a result of my work conducting systematic reviews of the predictors of youth gang membership and preventive gang interventions in low- and middle-income countries, I was invited to give a seminar on the state of the evidence on gang violence prevention in Latin America to senior staff at the Inter-American Development Bank (Washington DC).
Funding Award
Reference year
"Youth gang violence in developing countries: A systematic review of the predictors of participation and the effectiveness of interventions to reduce involvement". Principal Investigators: Angela Higginson, Lorraine Mazerolle. USD$97,817 awarded by USAID via 3ie (International Initiative for Impact Evaluation)
Ethnically-motivated Youth Hate Crime in Australia
Primary fund type
CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
Project ID
Start year
  • Exploring the Bystander Perspective: Scripting Bystander Intervention in Australian Hate Crimes
    PhD, Mentoring Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Dr Michael Chataway
  • Digital dating abuse among teenagers in the Global-South: victimisation experiences of Brasilians and Australians
    PhD, Mentoring Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Dr Laura Vitis